Chapter 5 (NSFW)

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The flight back to Chicago wasn't bad for either of us in fact it was such an early flight that we both took naps on the plane. Once we landed and got to Antonio's car he ended up getting a call from Voight. I threw my bag in his backseat and just looked at him trying to figure out what was going on.
"Change of plans we're needed at the district and the team will catch us up on everything when we get there. I told him we haven't eaten since early morning so we can pick something up on the way if you want."
"Ok good. I'm starving. I'm fine with any place you want to stop." I told him as we both got in his car. "So does this mean a rain check on you coming back to my place?"
"Yes it does cause we are definitely still doing that because trust me I want to see what's in your collection." He told me.
We stopped at a super target and both ran in and grabbed a personal pizza from the Pizza Hut in there before heading to the district.
I could hear everyone chatting as we came up the stairs to the bullpen.
"So what do we got sarge?" I asked.
"We're investigating a string of home invasions and murders. They all happened within a four block radius of each other." He started explaining everything they knew about the three different homes and families that lived there. "Burgess and Atwater are going to be doing a stakeout and we'll have patrol out there as well tonight to watch for anything suspicious at all." We both nodded.
"Ok is there anything you want us to do?" Antonio asked him.
"Yes you and Reid start looking at these videos we got from the home cameras as well as neighbors. Look for anything unusual or suspicious. If it's people or cars." Voight told us and we split up the videos so we each had three different ones to look at.
After I got through the first one only writing down the plate of one black suv that sat around for an odd amount of time I turned to Antonio. "Dawson do you need any coffee too?"
"If you're offering to get some I'm not going to say no." He replied also only having one plate number written down. When I came back with both coffees, one black for him and one with creamer for me. I set my coffee down and grabbed my paper to compare notes and noticed that it was the same one.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I think this might be our guy. It's the same car sitting outside two different houses. I'm going to run this plate and see what I find." I told him.
"I'll watch more of these videos and let you know if I find anything else." He replied.
After running the plate I found it was registered to a Diego Matson who had just been released from statesville and was on probation.
I got up and went and knocked on Voights office door "hey sarge Antonio and I noticed the same car parked at two of our scenes and I ran the plate. I think I have our guy or at least one of them." I knew I had his attention and finished going over everything I found with him. He called the team in and when they got back he went over what we had found with them as well. He added the car and Diego's picture up on the board of information we had.
I went back to finish watching the last video just to see if there was anything else. I felt someone come up behind me and knew it was Dawson when he kissed my neck. I smiled but had to glance up and see if anyone had noticed.
It seemed like no one was paying attention so I turned around in my chair to face him. I whispered to make sure no one else could hear me "we can't do this here. You know how Voight feels about workplace relationships."
"I know I know." He whispered back. In a normal tone he asked "do you need anymore coffee?"
"No I'm good thanks though." I replied and he went back to sit in his chair. When I turned back around to look at my computer I glanced up and saw Jay staring at me with an eyebrow raised as he shifted his eyes between Dawson and me. He was trying to figure out if something was going on between us but just didn't say anything yet. I rolled my eyes and got back to work.
I was very happy when Voight told us to go home for the night and I saw Jay watching me and Antonio still which was whatever considering that we came from the airport and I didn't have my car with me.
"I think Halstead is onto us but I'm not sure yet." I told Antonio.
"Well he can keep guessing besides this is just me giving my coworker a ride home." He replied with a smirk.
I playfully hit his shoulder and laughed "shut up and drive or it really will be just you giving me a ride home." That got a laugh out of him but also got him to drive his car. Before we could go anywhere there was a knock on his window. He rolled it down and Jay poked his head in.
"Hey you guys should join us at Mollys for a drink unless you have other plans already." Jay said and gave us a questioning look still trying to figure out if there was anything going on between us.
"We would but we've had a long day with the early morning flight and everything. We still haven't even been home to drop our bags off yet." I replied and indicated to the backseat.
"Mmhmm." Jay replied "you two kids have fun now and remember to use protection."
"Wait we aren't doing anything." I remarked back a little astonished that Jay was even able to figure that out.
"Yeah ok." Jay laughed and then leaned in a little so if there were anyone around they couldn't hear "if you two are sleeping together and you don't want everyone in the unit to know don't be kissing her neck Dawson. Don't worry I won't spill this secret but keep it a little more discreet so Ruzek doesn't figure it out." With that he left to his own truck and Antonio rolled the windows up.
I hit his shoulder and scowled at him "told you".
"Yeah yeah yeah let's just get out of here." He replied and drove off to my apartment. Once we got there and he parked he turned to me and asked "so you still want me to come in with you?"
I shrugged and gave him a smirk "only if you want to."
"Lyla," he started and leaned closer to me "of course I want to."
"Alright grab your bag and we can head in." I told him and grabbed my own bag from his backseat. He followed me in. I unlocked my apartment door and he followed me inside. I took my shoes off at the door and he followed suit.
I grabbed his hand and led him to the bedroom where I put my bag down and turned to him. "So detective what do you want to start with? I was thinking we could start in the shower and finish out here and if you want to spice things up you can pick something out from that bottom drawer." I indicated towards the nightstand where I kept all my toys.
"A shower sounds great and a shower with you sounds even better." He replied stepping closer to pull me in for a kiss.
I grabbed his collar pulling him in even closer to me. " well we have far too much clothes on for a shower." I smiled at him as I started to help him remove his jacket.
"Eager are we?" He laughed as he started to help me remove my own clothes "you haven't had enough sex yet?"
"Look who's talking about being eager." I replied "obviously not and it seems like you haven't either."
It didn't take us long to be completely naked and for me to lead him into the en suite bathroom. I turned the shower on and turned back around to face him. He grabbed my ass to pull me closer to him and planted his lips on mine as he picked me up and set me down on the counter by the sink. I wrapped my legs around him as he started kissing down my neck.
"Antonio I think the shower is warm now if you want to move this in there." I informed him. He helped me down and opened the shower door for me and we both stepped in. We were soon kissing again under the warm water of the shower. I smiled at him as I stepped back and grabbed my shampoo bottle off the shelf behind Antonio.
"Hope you don't mind rose scented shampoo in your hair cause that's all I got." I squirted some in his out stretched hand and some in my own so we could wash our own hair.  After washing the suds out I quickly ran some conditioner through my own hair.
I saw him grab my loofah and body wash and he started lathering me up. I put a little bit of the body wash on my hands and started using my hands to rub the soap all over his body starting with his chest and going lower.
"I really hope you don't mind smelling like flowers."
"I don't mind at all. Although when we go in tomorrow there might be questions."
I laughed "At least they'll know you're clean."
"I don't know how clean we'll actually be when we're done here." He replied setting the loofah down and letting his hands roam. I gasped when his hand reached my center and I felt a finger rub against my clit. We at least got a little clean before we started going at each other. I had my hand wrapped around his cock pumping it as he started fingering me. I leaned into him kissing his neck and when I felt him added another finger I moaned and sucked his neck a little definitely leaving a mark.
"If we're clean enough let's move this out there." He whispered into my neck shutting the water off and reaching out the shower door to grab us each a towel to dry off a bit. He picked me up and threw me onto my bed before going through the drawer of toys.
"Lyla Reid you are one kinky girl." He commented. I didn't even bother looking at what he found already knowing the drawers contents.
"Very few people have actually seen that drawer and even fewer have used any of them on me. So which one are you picking?" I asked him. He looked over at me with a grin before grabbing something out.
"First off you have furry cuffs in here." He commented bringing them out. I nodded at him.
"Well detective you are welcome to use them on me or if you prefer I could use them on you."
He chuckled and he cuffed me to the bed. "Maybe you can cuff me a different time but right now I'm going to have some fun with you." I felt him put something up against my clit before turning it on and feeling it vibrate against me. I let out a moan at the sensation and he clicked it up a speed and as soon as he noticed I was getting close he took it away and turned it off. "No you're not coming yet. Let's see what else is in here."
I whined a little at the loss of sensation only to see him pull out my butt plug and lube. He lubed it up before gently inserting it and pulling out the vibrating dildo. He lubed that up too before turning it on and teasing it over my clit before inserting it. I could tell he was enjoying making me a moaning mess and after he edged me once before it didn't take long before I was coming. He took the vibrator out and replaced it quickly with his dick.
"You are so hot. You like having something in your ass and cunt?" He asked and I nodded "which feels better my dick or the vibe?"
It took a bit for me to use actual words with how moi was moaning from how he was pounding into me. "Your dick" I finally answered which made him moan and start biting my neck. "You really enjoy using these on me don't you?"
"God yes. I also imagine you using them on yourself." He confessed into my ear.
"Mmm yes I do." After I told him that I do indeed use them while masturbating his pace and force increased and it didn't take long before I came all over his dick making him moan as he came inside me. He pulled out and unlocked the cuffs and I took the butt plug out. I set the toys we used aside to wash them later.
After cleaning ourselves up I laid down next to him under the blankets. "Lyla you are incredible."
I rolled over so I was in top of him and kissed him.
"Tonio so are you."
We ended up falling asleep cuddled up next to each other.

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