Chapter 2

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I have been enjoying my time so far with intelligence and have gotten to know the team better of the last few weeks.
"Lyla, it's Teagan." I heard when I answered my phone and my cousin was on the line. We were fairly close as we were both close in age and lived in Chicago. She was a burlesque dancer with the stage name Queen Tea. This time I could hear in her voice that something was wrong.
"Hey what's up?" I asked her.
"I know you are a cop and I was wondering if you could help me out with this. Joy and a couple other girls here went missing a couple nights ago. I thought maybe they got caught up in something with a patron again and were just hung over. Well Arial showed up dead first by the river, followed by Dani, and now when I went to the apartment I shared with Joy I found her body on our steps. I think someone is targeting either sex workers or our club." Teagan explained. "I can come down there if you want but I don't know if going on record will put a target on my back."
"Teagan, it's ok. Meet me at the coffee shop near your place I'll meet you there." I told her. I was already up in the bullpen and I could see everyone's eyes on me after that conversation. "Hey sarge, that was my cousin. She does burlesque dance and a few of her friends and fellow dancers have shown up dead. The latest is her roommate Joy. She said the body is on the steps of her apartment. I told her I'd meet her at a nearby coffee shop to talk to her. She's willing to share everything she knows but is afraid to go on record in case she gets targeted next." I explained to Voight and the rest of the team.
"That's ok we will work this. Reid go meet your cousin. Dawson can go with you. What's her address and we can have a look at Joy?" Voight started making a plan. I gave them her address and apartment number in case that was needed along with the name of the club she did a lot of shows at. "Alright Atwater and Burgess check on that DOA and Halstead and Ruzek go check on that club. I'll go to the morgue and get info on those other dancers." We all nodded and began splitting up.
I told Antonio I was driving us to the coffee shop only because I didn't want to try and give directions to him on how to get there. When we arrived we saw Teagan sitting at a table already. "Hey Tea, how's it going? This is my partner Detective Dawson." I introduced them. "If you don't want to go back to your place I understand and you can stay with me as long as you need to." I offered to her.
"Thank you Lyla. I know I told Joys sister about what happened and she said she would tell the rest of her family and that she would let me know when they will come by to get her stuff. I just don't understand how this happened." Teagan told us trying to hold back tears. "None of them especially Joy ever did any sort of illegal substances"
"We have our team looking into all of it. Hopefully we can find who did this before someone else ends up dead. Now you said last you saw them was two days ago. Do you remember if they were talking to anybody or if they went home with anyone?" I asked her.
"Not that I remember. I mean we all usually sit together to watch whoever is performing and then go back to a locker room to change and gather our stuff at the end of the night. We don't usually chat too much with patrons." Teagan explained to us and then when she saw Antonio with a raised brow she added "we do burlesque. It's more of a theatrical style of stripping rather than just stripping. We don't go around offering lap dances to everyone so we usually don't have to talk to the men that come in."
Antonio nodded and had a little smirk on his face "alright so they didn't talk to anyone in the club what about outside of it?"
"They took an Uber home and Joy went with them since she was going to hang out with them and possibly spend the night. I had a day job in the morning so I couldn't go with." Teagan explained.
We got as much information as we could from her and told her to come down to the district and we could get her registered as a CI  so she didn't have to testify.
Antonio and I got back to the district and we went over everything we gathered as a team. Ruzek and Halstead were able to get into the clubs cameras and found a couple men were watching and following them. They got into the traffic cameras and were able to see the three girls were followed all the way back to their apartment and were grabbed and drugged there. Voight found autopsy reports for the other two girls and the reports match what the found on Joys body as well. The wrists were bruised like they were cuffed and their throats had bruises shaped like hands like they were strangled.
"Ok so we are looking for three male perpetrators. Reid if you talk to your cousin do you think she would be willing to help you and Burgess go undercover at the club?" Voight asked.
"Yeah she would." I told them. I didn't even need to ask her to know she would help with something like that.
"Ok we will have Halstead and Ruzek be undercover as backup in the club as well as Atwater, Dawson, and myself in a van." Voight told all of us.
"Ok Kim come with me. You are about to meet miss Queen Tea." I told her.
"Queen Tea?" Dawson asked.
"Yes, it's her stage name." I told him.
Teagan was very willing to help Kim and myself get into character. She helped us pick outfits, do our hair and makeup, and even showed us some dance moves in case we had to go on stage. Teagan gave us both bags that most dancers used to not blow our cover and even offered to go to the club with us.
"Are you two ready?" Voight asked us when we came out in our outfits. We both nodded. "Good let's get these hidden cameras on you and the earpiece." We ended up having to take our courts of revealing our burlesque outfits to find a spot to hide a camera. Kim had on Teagans Cruella de vil outfit which consisted of a fur coat over black lingerie , gloves , and boots. I had on her Tinkerbell outfit which had a blonde wig, the iconic green dress and wings which were over green star pasties and a thong. She even had green stilettos to go with it. I knew with how short the dress was, it barely covered my ass, that I couldn't bend over in it. I had put a black coat over it though until we were in the club. Well when I removed the coat to figure out how to hide a camera and earpiece I caught Antonio checking me out, mouth open and everything, he blushed when he caught my eyes though and realized he got caught staring. They settled on a hidden necklace camera and trying an earpiece that looked like an AirPod.
Halstead and Ruzek dropped us off so we could order an Uber later if we needed to make it even more convincing and to find these guys.
"Alright you guys I'll introduce you to everyone and show you around." Teagan greeted us. She started with the locker room so we could drop our bags and my coat off. It wasn't long before the performers started and patrons started coming in and among them were Halstead and Ruzek who took a seat in the back so they could watch everyone. Kim was on one side and actually had to get up and perform something. I was scanning the audience and spoke so they could hear in the earpiece "guy dressed in all black in the back left corner."
Ruzek nodded "I see him. Another by the bar."
A few more performances followed and eventually they made me get up and dance. I did the moves Teagan showed us which helped and I was happy Antonio wasn't in here watching but realized he could probably see everything through the cameras the boys had and by the end of my dance I was in pasties, a thong, and stilettos and I'm pretty sure no other occupation can have you saying you just stripped in front of your coworkers for a work assignment. The good thing was the two men we suspected were definitely watching me now.
The end of the night we gathered all of our stuff and called an Uber. We had it drop us off at Kim's where Antonio, Kevin, and Voight were waiting in a van.
We put on a performance as we got into the car and noticed a car following us. Halstead and Ruzek were following the car that followed us but we both knew the trucks they drove.
When the Uber arrived at Kim's we got out and were instantly jumped by the men at the club who got ambushed by the cops waiting for them including the driver. We had patrol help us bring them in and book them and the boys brought us back to the district. I was in the locker room changing out of the tinkerbell outfit and into my spare cop clothes I kept just in case. I had just gotten dressed when Antonio walked in "so did Teagan teach you some moves or did you know some of those from your party girl days?" He had the biggest devil grin on his face.
"Wouldn't you like to know? I guess some things are best kept secret." I teased back. He chuckled at that before grabbing the first aid kit off the wall.
"Take a seat Reid." He instructed so I did. He brought a washcloth up to my eye and forehead cleaning it up. "You got a little dinged up when they jumped you guys." He told me. He ended up helping me put some bandages on.
"Thank you but you didn't have to." I told him.
"I know." He told me. "Voight is interrogating the men now and they gave up the warehouse that might have more women in it if you want to join us you can gear up."
I nodded and followed him to get my vest and gun and we drove together to the warehouse where there were indeed more women. They weren't dead yet but a lot were in bad condition. Kevin stayed with me to help assess and release the women as the others chased after the two men assigned to stand guard. I called in for some ambulances as we had about five girls here that needed medical care. We heard shortly thereafter shots were fired at the police and police fired back injuring the offender and they needed an ambulance as well but that they got the other offender in custody. I sighed relief that I would be able to tell Teagan that this was over and that she shouldn't have to worry anymore.
After everything was done and we debriefed after the case we were told we could go home.
"Lyla wait up." I turned around as I was heading to my care to see Antonio calling after me.
"What's up Dawson?"
"This might be a long shot and quite frankly after my divorce I haven't really put myself out there much but I like you and I understand that since we work together if you don't feel the same but I thought I would put it out there." He confessed. I was a little stunned but not all that surprised really. I mean he had been trying to flirt with me since we started working together.
"I like you too Tonio" I told him which was true " I just don't know how I feel about dating a coworker."
"I understand it can get complicated. If you ever want to get dinner sometime let me know."
"Ok I might take you up on that offer but we'll see." I shrugged. At this point I was teasing him and playing hard to get a little bit. He had to work for it after all.

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