💫Together💫 A.S.

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The sound of lightsabers clashing against each other echoed through the training room as you and your best friend, Anakin Skywalker, spar. The force humming around the two of you, heightening your senses and sharpening your focus.

Anakin moved around you with fluid grace, the blue light from his lightsaber blurring across your face. Parrying his strikes, you cleverly match his speed and strength, catching him off guard.

"You're getting better, Y/N", he says, a playful glint in his eyes as he deflected your last advance. Circling around you, he starts sizing you up, trying to predict what your next move is.

"But you still have a lot to learn if you want to beat me", he teased, a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"Maybe you just need to slow down", you sassily retorted with a similar cocky smirk, lunging forward to catch him off guard.

Anakin easily deflected your attack, "Not bad", a flicker of seriousness now spreading across his features.

"You should focus more on your defense. You're way too reckless", he insulted, his tone less playful now.

You frowned, slightly taken aback from his sudden cold change in demeanor.

You've known Anakin since the two of you were younglings. You were fully aware of the mood swings he would have from time to time. However, he's never snapped at you so quickly so the first thing you thought to do was defend yourself.

"Um, I'm trying my best Anakin. Isn't that what training is for?", you argued.

Anakin looked at you with a frustrated stare as he deactivated his lightsaber, "The battlefield isn't as forgiving as the training room, Y/N. You need to be better prepared."

The training session ends abruptly with Anakin's sudden outburst. His mood growing darker, he turns away muttering something under his breath.

You start gathering your belongings, beginning to feel a knot of hurt in your stomach. He's not usually like this, you think to yourself, now feeling worry for what caused him to be this way. You started to sense the emotional turmoil within him.

"Anakin, is something wrong?", you ask calmly and softly, as to not provoke him again.

He hesitates, his back still facing you.

"No...", he whispered unconvincingly. "It's just...everything. The war, the council, the expectations. It's all too much."

You took a step closer, placing a hand on his arm, "You're not alone, Ani. We're all stuck in this together. You need to stop carrying the weight of the galaxy on your shoulders."

He pulls away roughly, a conflicted look on his face. "You don't understand, Y/N. It's different for me. I have... responsibilities. Responsibilities you'll never have to worry about."

"I know it's hard", you say gently. "But you can talk to me. We're best friends aren't we?"

Anakin's eyes flashed with something intense before looking away from you again. "Friends. Right."

A tense silence floods the room. You can feel the walls he's built up around himself, a struggle between his duty and his feelings.

"Ani, if there's something you need to say just say it," you urge, his inner battle becoming stronger.

He clenches his fists, his jaw tightening, eyes closed.

"I can't. It's... complicated."

"Why?" you ask, frustration creeping it's way into your voice. "Why can't you just be fucking honest with me?"

"Because it doesn't fucking matter!" he snapped, finally opening his eyes to meet your gaze. "It can't matter, the Jedi Code forbids it...", he lowered his voice, his gaze faltering from yours.

You took a step back, eyes beginning to water, hurt by his harsh words. "So thats it? You're just going to push me away because of the Code?"

He sighed, running his hands through his hair. "Y/N, you don't understand. I... I care about you. More than I should. More than us Jedi are supposed to. I... I love you."

You feel your breath catch in your throat as his words fully sink in. "You... you love me?" you stammer, feeling a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

Anakin looked at you, his expression softening slightly. "Yes. I love you deeply. It's been eating away at me for so long."

"Why didn't you ever say anything?" you ask, still trying to process his confession.

"Because I thought it would be easier if I didn't," he admitted, his voice strained.

"I thought I could bury my feelings and focus on my duty. But it's just not that simple."

You shook your head, struggling to understand. "Ani, this... this is a lot to take in. I never thought—"

He took a step closer, his eyes pleading. "I know it's complicated, Y/N. But I can't hide it anymore. I need you to know how I feel."

You looked deep into his beautiful blue eyes, seeing the pain and sincerity there. "Anakin, I don't know what to say. This changes everything."

"I know", he whispered, leaning down closer to you. "And I don't expect you to have all the answers right now. I just needed to be honest with you", he sighed, grabbing your hands to hold in his.

You took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart. "I love you too, Ani. But this is so much bigger than us. The Jedi, the war... How can we make this work?"

His hand finding its way to your cheek, "We'll find a way. Together. I don't know how, but we'll figure this out."

For a moment, you stand there in silence, the weight of his confession hanging in the air.

Finally, you nod, love's determination settling in. "Okay. Together."

Anakin gazes at you, a mix of hope and relief in his eyes. He gets even closer, moving his other hand to cup your cheek gently

"Y/N, I've wanted this for so long," he murmured.

You felt your breath hitch as he leaned in, his lips mere inches from yours.


You felt his lips on yours, warm and tender. The kiss was soft at first, hesitant, as if he was afraid the gentle moment might shatter. But as you kissed him back, wrapping your arms around him, the kiss deepened, filled with all the emotions you both kept hidden from each other for so long.

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