imagine #11

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Buffy's POV
"Well I laid my baby down for the night, done cooked dinner, let me go get my lady," he said to himself. He poked his head in the other room where Tavia was dozing. He walked into the room and gently shook her. "Baby I cooked your favorite," he told her. Tavia stirred and woke up smiling. "Mmmm thanks baby," she said. She had only taken an evening nap. The night was still young. So they went to the kitchen and chowed down, then he picked her up, carried her to the bedroom and let's just say they got they honeymoon on for the rest of the NIGHT babyyy. He kissed and caressed her all in the right places and vice versa and that's what lead to some let's just say...a whole lot of hot and heavy morning he woke up and Tavia was still sleeping. He had to get his behind back to that studio to lay down some more tracks, get some more projects in the works. "I got a little girl to think about now man," he thought to himself. He had some of his homies dropping by that day to plan future projects and discuss collaborations and such. He kissed Tavia, checked on his baby girl Rosie (short for Rosemont) who was still knocked out, kissed her too and headed into the studio. Little did Tavia know one of said future projects was a song he wrote for her and their daughter (how sweet is that, y'all? 🥰🥰🥰)

Tavia's POV
Tavia woke up feeling particularly cranky. Postpartum depression was kind of kicking her butt. She got up out of bed, showered, brushed her teeth, threw her hair in a ponytail and checked on her baby. She barely felt like doing any of those things but knew she had to. Rosie was wide awake, whining and hungry, so she fed her and changed her and played with her for a bit, then a few hours later put her down for a nap. She took a short nap herself.. then later on she woke to find her baby girl crying at the top of her lungs and realized she needed changing. Then she just kept crying and crying for some reason and Tavia just didn't know what to do. She was a wreck due to the postpartum depression and her daughter's constant crying just had her nerves shot, so she ended up breaking down herself. Tears of frustration. She was so at a loss for what to do to stop her daughter's crying. She had tried everything under the sun. So she gave up momentarily and once she was in the hallway, she sat on the floor against the wall with her head in her hands sobbing....then Buffy came out there to find her like that, and the little girl wailing at the top of her lungs.

Buffy's POV
Buffy was alarmed and caught off guard as he found his wife sitting on the hallway floor crying. Her hair was disheveled, her eyes were red and her face tear streaked and her hands were balled up, shaking in frustration. He had never seen her look like that. "Hey, what's wrong baby?" he asked softly and sat down beside her, holding her close and smoothing her hair down. Tavia exhaled, "She's been crying like this all day long," she said in a tired raspy voice. "I don't know what to do, it's like my own daughter just doesn't seem to warm up to me," she said. "This postpartum stuff has been rough, I don't know how I'm gonna do this...I don't wanna mess up at being a mother," she said bursting into tears again. Then, Buffy pulled her up off the ground and held her close to him for a little while, kissing and stroking her hair. "It's okay baby, it's all gon' be alright," he said continuing to hold her, then rubbing her tears away he said, "Hey, why don't you go relax, I'll go check on her," he said. Baby girl had been wailing at the top of her lungs since he walked in the house but as soon as he entered her nursery she stopped crying. "Awww damn," he thought to himself. "So that's why my baby's been screaming all day....she was missing her daddy," he said softening up. He picked her up kissing her, and gently biting her fat little cheeks. "You miss daddy, baby?" The baby giggled. "That's why you been fussin'?" he said. He went and found Tavia in their bedroom. She was aleep and he didn't want to wake her. He pulled a blanket over her, kissed her forehead, then went and just spent time with his daughter. He played with her and loved on her like he always did but his mind kept drifting back to Tavia. He was worried about her, never had he seem her so shaken....Later on that night, long after he put his baby girl down, he went and checked on his wife. She sat in their room on the bed, a sad tired look on her face, switching channels every so often. She looked up and smiled as Buffy walked into the room. "Hey baby," he said kissing her forehead. "Hey," Tavia said softly. He sat down beside her then. "Baby you alright?" he asked her. She kept her eyes on the floor and shrugged. He tilted her chin up. "Baby, look at me," he said softly. She faced him.
"Yeah, baby?" she said hesitantly. "You really think you gon' mess up as a mother?" he asked with a concerned, yet loving look. Tavia began to cry. She nodded. "Why?" he asked her. She shrugged. "I can't get her to stop crying, and as crazy as this sounds she warm up to to you quicker than she does me." She paused. "I just try to love her and take care of her," she said sadly. "I don't get it..." her voice trailed off. Buffy took her in his arms. "Baby I know this been a little bit tough but you gon get the hang of it," he said kissing her. Then his face brightened. "Yall need to have a mommy daughter day," he suggested. "That's gon' give yall a chance to really bond," he said kissing her lips several times. "Baby you always know what to say," Tavia smiled. "Thats a really good idea," she said.

Buffy's POV
The next morning he was working on his song for Tavia and Rosie. He had remade Stevie Wonder's isn't she lovely. He had flipped it and made it his own rap version. He had made it so he could feature his baby girl's laughter in the song. At the end of the song was Tavia saying sweetly "Buffyyy I love you baby." Little did Tavia know he had been recording bits of convos of theirs and Rosie's laughs here and there for his song with his little cassette player. He had been working on that song for her since before they got married. "I can't wait for my baby to hear this, she gon love it," he said to himself thoughtfully, smiling. "My baby been having it rough lately, I miss seeing her smile," he rattled on to himself....later on he went and got Tavia from their room so she could hear the song. When she heard it, she smiled, her eyes glistening with happy tears. "Baby, you really did this for me?" she said in disbelief. "Of course I did, love," he said. Tavia hung her head, "Baby I feel terrible," she told Buffy. "I know I've been a little difficult and not myself lately," she continued, but Buffy stopped her. "Look, baby it ain't your fault, I know you been through a lot," he paused. "I would'nt hold that against you," he continued, pulling her into his arms, kissing her lips several times "I love that I could make you smile again," he said softly. Tavia giggled looking into his eyes, "you always do, silly," she said poking her lips out playfully.

Tavia's POV
She looked into the eyes of the man she loved and she saw nothing but love and sincerity. Some people make babies just to make babies or just have casual for the heck of it sex, but not she and her man. Their baby girl was conceived out of pure love. "Baby, I think she should be in the same room with us," Buffy told her. She was puzzled. "Why do you say that?" she asked. Then she began smiling. "Awwww i know why now," she said. "You want your baby girl right where you can reach her," Tavia continued in a sweet voice grabbing his chin. She swatted him on the arm, "That little girl ain't gon' be hittin' on two cents 'cause of you, the way you spoil her," she joked laughing. Buffy smiled, "Yeahhh and I know you gave her the pretty little nursery and everything but I never really liked her in there by herself." Tavia smiled. "Sure thing baby, anything you want," she said. So later on Tavia put Rosie on a pillow on the bed then moved the little girl's bassinet in their room.

Buffy's POV
Later that evening after the baby had been put to bed, he and Tavia were watching tv and he had made them dinner, cheeseburgers and fries. He had promised her an evening with just those two. He wanted her to feel special, which she did. They were watching a movie where a married man was being hit on by a nanny he hired. Tavia shook her head and said
"Baby if a hoe ever came upon you like that, she wouldn't know what hit her ass," she half-joked. Buffy laughed "Girl you are crazy," he said. "Aint no need to worry about nothin' like that in real life, I'm all yours," he said squeezing her close kissing her She laughed and said softly "You're right. You're right baby." She loved this man with every bit of her energy. As he reached down trying to play with her post baby belly, she frowned and tugged her shirt down, self conscious about her stretch marks and the fact she was still a little chunky. "Now, baby don't be like that," he said lovingly. "You still beautiful in my eyes" he went on. He lifted her blouse kissing her stretch marks. Tavia giggled. "You really are something else," she told Buffy smiling. The movie continued and she began dozing in his arms. He let her lay across his legs with a pillow under her head and he pulled a blanket over her and stroked her hair til she fell asleep completely. He finished the movie and afterwards turned the TV off and carried his wife upstairs. He gently laid her down, and kissed her night-night. 🥰🥰😊😊😘😘

Buffy's POV
He smiled as he had been watching Tavia bond with Rosie over the next few weeks. They had finally had their special mommy daughter day. She had dressed Rosie exactly like her, both wore red dresses with white flowers and white sandals and white hats, and they went on a shopping spree, showing off her beautiful baby and spoiling her in the process. It seemed to do them a lot of good. Tavia sat in the living room now cooing and kissing the baby til she giggled. Tavia laughed along with Rosie. She had even learned to get the baby to stop crying. Buffy kissed her, then kissed the baby. "Now didn't I tell you y'all needed that mommy daughter day?" he said smiling...

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