one shot - a bandaged arm

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(read author's note at the end!! + wrote this through TEARS someone pls kill my mommy jk)

also this takes place in like the fifth book when agatha has her whole little plan to rescue everyone from camelot's dungeons!!

hester's pov!

It was all going alright, Anadil, Dot, and I were all on stymphs and we were doing it. We were escaping. Sophie screamed for help, and ever so helping Anadil lent her arm for her to take it.

Until I watched Anadil get stabbed by a pirate. And fall off of our stymph. Oh. My. God.

I scream so loudly one might've thought it was me getting stabbed- I send my demon as fast as it can possible go trying to catch her- but Bodhi and Laithan's stymph catches her instead. I exhale in relief, my breath unsteady.

For a moment there... I realized what it would be like to lose her. I put a hand to my rapidly beating heart, trying to ignore it- but it scared me to my bones. It dawns upon me that I don't know what I would do with myself without her. A life without her is as terrifying as- as nothing. Nothing is as scary to me.

I glance at the stymph she's on- Bodhi and Laithan are trying to bandage her arm up- no doubt doing a terrible job at it. I wish I was there instead, there with her. Telling her she's okay. I feel my stymph wobble during the duration I'm not steering it. It'll have to wait.

When we arrive at the school, I jump off my stymph immediately to help Anadil. I see Dot do the same. I take her from Bodhi's arms and put an arm around her, helping her walk. I give her a once over- they did an awful job bandaging up her arm, and she looks pained, tired. Her dress is soaked through with blood. Dot hovers.

"Are you okay?" I ask, even though I realize what a stupid question that is for someone who just took a knife to the arm as soon as I say it.

"Never been better," she rasps.

We arrive at Sophie's tower, Professor Dovey gets the door open, and we go inside. Immediately the room is filled with dirt and ash as (what seems like) hundreds of students pile in. I lose sight of Anadil, but I see her get a roll of bandages from Dovey before disappearing.

I hear everyone panicking about various things. I realize I'm only panicking about one thing. One person. Anadil. Where she is. How she's feeling. If she's okay. I decide that I can't take this anymore. I get off of the chair I was sitting in, and go over to Agatha who's trying to calm down a group of first-years.

"Did you see where Anadil went?" I say, straightforward.

"Um, yeah. To the bathroom," she says, pointing to a pink door.

I walk towards it, and knock. I hear something fall inside, and Anadil's voice saying "Get lost,"

"It's me," I yell over the voices of first-years echoing around the tower. "Can I come in?"

The door slowly opens, Anadil's finger lit as she sits on the edge of Sophie's grand jacuzzi. I lock the door behind me. The bandage is in her hand and some is poorly tied around her arm.

"I can't do it," she says, putting her head in her hands. I laugh- she's taken on zombies and been beaten and has brushed death more times than not, and can't bandage her arm up.

"I'll do it," I say. I wash my hands first, and I can feel her gaze on me. I then sit down next to her, and take the bandage in my hand. I take the soaked bandage off her arm. The wound is huge, from the top of her shoulder down to her elbow. "Oh my god.." I mutter, "Did you disinfect it?"

"Umm, no."

I walk over to the cabinet under Sophie's sink and look through it until I find some antiseptic, and I put some on a cotton pad before sitting next to her again.

"I swear, if you die because of something as stupid as exposure, I'll resurrect you just to kill you again for being so careless." "Oh, thanks!"

I take her arm as gently as possible.. I don't really know how to be gentle. I brush the cotton pad over the wound. She inhales through clenched teeth, her body stiffening in pain.



"Just get it over with!" and then, after a moment she says, "I'm not weak."

"I know!" She narrows her piercing red eyes at me. It's a little scary.

"Ani. I know."

Without thinking, I offer a hand for her to take. Before thinking about how stupid that was, she takes it. I rub the antiseptic over the stab wound and she squeezes my hand so tight I'm sure it's cutting off circulation. But I don't let go.

I bandage up the wound, not too tight, and cut off the excess.

"All done," She sinks down to the floor, and sits with her knees to her chest leaning against the tub. I do the same, sitting next to her.

"Thanks," she says, giving me a rare smile.

We sit in silence for a little bit, neither of us making a sound- I can hear the muffled noise outside the door, and her labored breaths from the pain of the wound. Both of us abandoning responsibilities we have once we leave this room for just a few minutes.

"I was so scared..." I say, quietly. She knows what I'm talking about. Not the Snake, or possibly dying. But her possibly dying. She chuckles.

"Think about how I felt when you got stabbed, in the second Trial-by-Tale," I think back to that, Ani nursing me back to health.

"Maybe our version of a secret handshake is extremely close brushes of death."

"Hey, at least we're never bored."

And then, ever so slowly, she rests her head on my shoulder. I don't move a muscle, wanting this moment to last.

"You think we'll ever be able to live with a little peace and quiet? No crazy school masters or fake brothers/kings or snakes or pirates?" she says, with more sincerity than I expected. I glance at her.

"Maybe. Hopefully." More silence.



"Everything is so crazy right now.. But I don't want to do anything crazy without you. I don't want to do anything without you. You mean so much to me.. but today, watching you fall.. I want to be with you." I don't know what I mean by that. Maybe she does.

We look into each other's eyes for so long, I've almost forgotten what I said. And then, she reaches up. She places an icy cold hand on my face and kisses me, softly.

My eyes widen in surprise. But as soon as I feel her pulling away, I kiss her back, wrapping my hands around her waist. She swings one leg over my waist, leaning into the kiss. I lean back against the cold bathroom floor, running my hands along her arms, her body. I want to memorize her, forget about the crazy things happening outside of this door.

I pull away for a second, gazing at her. She smiles at me, and I kiss her again. Sitting on top of me, she puts both hands on my face kissing me back. And then her arm accidentally hits the floor, and she whispers 'ow' into the kiss. I pull away again, laughing at the little gesture, and then she's laughing too.

Minutes later, she's laying on top of my stomach with my arms wrapped around her in silence.

"I love you," she whispers.

"I love you too," I whisper back, kissing her forehead.


hihihi i am SUPER sorry for taking so long to write a new chapter i've just been busy but i WILL try to update more i pinky promise

also i know this was super corny but i just got out of a horrible situationship and needed this to heal my soul... anyways i hoped u liked it!!! 

+bday in exactly 1 week!!!

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