Tony Perry

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Tony had asked you out on a date so you had gone to every store to find something to wear.
"Do You think dress looks good on me?" Your friend looking up from her phone with an annoyed face. "All of them Look good! Can we go now, It's been an hour." She complains as you look back at the mirror. "Maybe I should wear something casual like jeans?" you wanted to look good for your first date with Tony but everything was stressing you out.

"Wear anything, you know Tony is gonna love it anyway. That Boy is madly in love with you to care about how you dress." You Look back at her, really considering her words, he wouldn't care how you dressed so you don't Why It's bothering you so much. "Also You have two hours left before he picks you up so we have time to pick ok?" Reassuring you as she handed you your normal clothes to put back on.
"Is my hair ok? What if he doesn't like how I look-" Staring into the bathroom mirror while messing with your hair, your friend standing right behind you, she lets out a sigh before going next to you and snapping you out of your thoughts. "you look Perfect! Also, we both know Tony thinks you are the most beautiful girl he's ever seen before so you have nothing to worry about!" Giving You a Small pep talk before hearing a knock on her door, your friend going over to your window to see who was out there.

"Speaking of Tony!" Your friend walked out of your bathroom to open the door, leaving you completely freaked out. You try pushing all your worries away, walking into your bedroom and grabbing your bag. You can hear them talk before it goes silent, your friend poking her head into the bedroom and giving you a smug smile. Tony, standing in your front doorway with flowers in his hands, his eyes going wide, looking at you almost like he was hypnotized. You heard him whispering under his breathe softly. "Wow."

Your gaze shifted back at him with a confused face, your mind raced as all your nerves came rushing back to you. You felt a hand grab yours, the Feeling washed Away all your nerves. "You look so beautiful." He muttered out his eyes never leaving yours. Your gaze shifted down while blushing. "Thank you, You look handsome." Taking note of how he dressed nice for the date, your eyes went back to his, letting go of your hand to give you the flowers he had been holding. "These are for you, I didn't know which one you liked but I Hope These Are good..." you giggled taking the flowers, putting them up to your face the sweet smell flooded your nostrils. You smiled at him, "I love them."

your friend let out a cough making the both of you turn your heads. Your friend grabbing the flowers out of your hand, "So I'll take care of the cats, and the flowers. You two love birds have fun and make sure she comes back in one piece, ok bye!" Your friend shoves you both out of the door, as she closes the door before you both can even answer her, looking back at Tony while you guys laugh about it, walking over to his car as he opens the passenger door for you. He gets into the car and starts it, putting on some music while he drives off to where you guys are going.
As you arrived at the restaurant, you guys walked in and got escorted to your table. A small candle only lighting up the space. As you two sat down looking over the menu you couldn't help but notice tony glancing over at you. "Why do you keep looking at me?" You give a slight laugh. He smiles while putting the menu down, "cause the only thing I want is you." Putting the menu down You start to laugh at his cheesy pick up line. "That was the stupidest thing someone has ever told me but it was cute."  He looks at you with a snarky smirk. "What can I say, I'm to good with the ladies."

You take a deep breath from the laughing, "don't get to ahead of yourself." You both start to laugh as the couple next to you gave you guys dirty looks which made you laugh even harder.
His car pulled back to your house, and the both of you got out of the car as he walked You to your front door. "I had a great time." You smile at him as he holds onto your hand. "Me too." Smiling back at you as you both went silent, just staring at each other. His body comes closer to yours while looking down at your lips back to your eyes, You slightly nod your head as the gap between you two got smaller. Placing a hand on one side of your face, one of his arms wrapping around your waist As his soft lips connected with yours.

Your hands slide up to his neck As you played with his hair, he moved away staring back into your eyes reconnecting your lips with his more passionately, the world around disappeared leaving you two in your whole worlds. You didn't realize our friend had opened your door to greet you. "You guys are gross." She yells out before closing the door halfway, You both pulled away looking back at her then looking back at each other smiling. He gave you one more kiss before saying each other's goodbyes.

(A/N: I having some major writer's block so sorry that this is bad and short :')

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