Ronnie Radke

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"He's gone, Ronnie he's...I broke up with him."

You walked down the street in the rain, your sweater is the only thing keeping you warm. You choked on your words as tears fell down your face.You were trying to explain what had happened over the phone but you couldn't get the words out. Only your sobs could be heard. Why did you stay with him?  You asked yourself. He had cheated on you three times, three. You had no idea why you stayed  but what you do know is that you wanted to see Ronnie. As you were talking to his voicemail on your phone, you let out a deep breath as you softly spoke.

"I don't wanna bother you... but I just, really need someone right now. Please"

You spoke with so much pain in your voice, bothering ronnie made you cry even more, the thought of him from before flooded your mind. He had gotten upset with you for still being with that guy, even after everything. You got into a fight about it and haven't talked since. You felt lost without him, and it was eating you up inside, knowing he was happier without you.

"I should've listened to you from the start. I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry please."

Your breath was cut short every second you spoke. After a few seconds of silence before ending the voicemail, you turned off your phone. You walked over to a nearby bench and sat down, the rain fell onto you, it reminded you of when you and Ronnie will take long walks in the rain. The thought of Ronnie made you break down your hands covered your face. You couldn't do this anymore. You couldn't stand the feeling of being cheated on, but the worst feeling you couldn't stand was how Ronnie was not responding after all this time. It hurt you so badly your heart felt empty, you miss him.

You checked the time on your phone, it read 3 am. There was no way Ronnie would see your message, he wouldn't even respond. Placing your hands down on your lap as you looked up at the sky, the moon shining so bright you couldn't look away from it, it was beautiful. Maybe if you had listened, he would be here watching the moon with you.
"Hey isn't this the chick Ronnie is so fucked up about?" Max shoves Ronnie's phone into Roberts's face, the both of them seeing voice calls from you. "What does she want this time."

"I don't know but we should delete the message before he sees them." "Delete what?" The both of them looked back at Ronnie who was holding drinks for all of them, giving the both of them a suspicious look before looking down to see Max holding his phone.

Placing the drinks down to grab his phone from him, Max pulled away saying it was nothing. Ronnie snatched his phone out of the younger boy's hands as the two of them pled with him to not open it. He gave an irritated look at both of them as he walked away into the living room. He sat in the couch and scrolled through his phone.

-1 new voice mail-

"Ronnie. Hey, it's been a while....uhm I'll make this message as short as I can but I uhh thought I just let you know that he's gone... Ronnie, I broke up with him.  I'm so so stupid  for not listening to you back then I should've, I'm just really lost right now. I really need someone right now. I can't do this alone. I can't be alone. so much has happened and I just don't know what to do with myself anymore...Fuck I'm sorry I'm making this about me. I just... I apologize for how I've acted towards you while I was dating that asshole. You were right about him but I was just caught up in my feelings i stayed with him... I don't wanna bother you at all but I just wanted to let you know I miss you. You don't have to answer at all i just wanted to let you know. I should've listened to you from the start. I'm sorry. For all of it."

Max and Robert looking at Ronnie waiting for his reaction, his eyes only staring down at the phone, hearing the sound of your cries, the sound of how broken you were. It broke him a little inside. His guilt was crawling from the back of his mind, it had been so long, he didn't know what to do, him hearing the way you say his name again, the way that even after everything, you still went to him first. He felt a sense of comfort, shame, everything. He remember the fight you guys had, god when he heard you crying that whole time, he felt bad, but he had always hated when you cried. He never knew how to help but by your own words he does help.

"Ronnie?" Max placed his hand on his shoulder bring him back to reality before Ronnie pushed him away. Grabbing his jacket and running out the door as Max and Robert yelled out to him. He took his keys out of his pocket, opened the car door and drove off, he immediately pulled out of max driveway. It was late at night so there was barely anyone driving which was perfect for him.

He sped down the street looking for you, any sign that you were okay. You were safe. He couldn't bare the thought of you being alone through this. He couldn't imagine the pain, suffering you are going through. He had to pull off to the side of the road. He looked over to his side and just his luck he sees you sitting on a bench. Your hands holding your knees close to you. You hadn't notice someone was watching you. Ronnie turned off his car and got out. He walked towards you, once he finally reached you he sat down next to you. You picked your head up to check your phone and out the corner of your eye you see someone next to you. You looked over to them, your eyes widen as your phone dropped out of your hands.

"ronnie?" You say softly looking at him, while rubbing your eyes to make sure this was real. "Hey." He said softly, he moved closer to you, and without saying a word you hugged him tightly. Your tears came back once more. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry..." you kept repeating as you started to cry harder into his shoulder. He hugged you back tightly, you felt the comfort you so desperately needed. he rubbed your back soothingly. "Shhh, its okay I have you, I got you I'm never letting you go. Not now."

Your tears finally stopped and you let go of the hug but stayed close to him. His hand fell onto your leg. "I'm so sorry, I'm such an asshole, I know you..." He cut you off, "I know you are, and I am too. I shouldn't have argued with you, I never wanted our friendship to end." That one word friendship hit you hard, you were just a friend to him, but you saw him as more. You were clearly saddened by this and he noticed. His eyebrows furrowed looking into your eyes. "Is there something else?" You looked into his light brown eyes, the way the moonlight lit them up, you couldn't look away. "No there's nothing..." "are you sure?" "Yes..." you softly spoke looking back and forth at his expression.

The rain picked back up again, this time it was pouring. You both didn't mind it. The rain was comforting. He got closer to you, his brown eyes keep staring into yours. He spoke softer his words slipping out of his mouth smoothly, "I'm sorry about everything but I truly care about you, I was just trying to look out for you. I just don't want you to feel this pain anymore. It hurts me seeing you being hurt. I can't stand to see you cry." His hands moved to the side of your face wiping the left over tears. "I love you." Finally the gap was closed and his lips were on yours, you were shocked but you kissed back. Tears fell as you closed your eyes. He pulled away and put his forehead against yours. You both sat in silence as the rain fell, This is perfect, It's what you always wanted. You finally had your happy ending.

"I love you too


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