They whisper in the hallway "shes a bad bad girl"

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Reputation is pretty well known at her school. But for all the wrong reasons. Reputation is known for starting several fights with other students, and being rude to everyone. And many claim that she is unsaveable, but is that truly the case?


Reputations POV:

Ugh, another school day. When I thought about going to school, and it being the same boring routine every day, sitting alone, having no friends, and everyone being afraid of me, it made me want to disappear for months, maybe even years.

When I finally got to school I sat down at my empty desk. Of course, who would want to sit next to me? I'm reputation. The one and only.

Instead of the teacher immediately handing out a worksheet for us and leaving us sitting there clueless like she usually does, today the teacher stood in front of the class to make an announcement.

Teacher: "ahem, hello class, today we have a new student. Her name is Lover. Please make her feel welcome here."

Oh great, a stupid new girl. I thought as the new girl began to speak to the class."

Lover: "hello. My names lover. I'm so exited to be here at this school with all of you!"

The positivity and excitement she had made me want to throw up. No one could possibly be THAT excited to be at a new school. I mean COME ON.

Teacher: "why don't you go find a seat lover?"

Then, lover went and sat down at the last available seat. Which, unfortunately, was the seat right next to mine.

I heard some words being whispered among the other students. But I didn't care, I could easily just beat up anyone who crossed my path.

Lover: "hi! I'm lover! What's your name?"

Rep: "uhh why should I tell you?"

I hadn't even know her for 10 minutes, but this girl was already getting on my nerves.


Lover's POV:

I tried to start a conversation with the girl sitting next to me, but she seemed uninterested in speaking to me.

I looked at the girl next to me, her clothes, her hair. It seemed dark and mysterious. It was as if she had this kind of aura that spread negativity wherever she goes.

Then, before I knew it, the bell rang. I grabbed my stuff and headed to my next class.

I went inside and sat at a table of 3.

Lover: "uhh, is it okay if it sit here?"

"Sure." One of the girls next to me said.

Lover: "I'm lover."

Midnights: I'm midnights, and this is my friend debut."

Lover: "oh cool!"

Debut: "are you new here?"

Lover: "yeah, I am."

Debut: "I heard a rumor that you have to sit next to THE reputation."

Lover: "whose reputation?"

Midnights: "you know, the girl who wears dark clothes, black makeup, lots of snake-themed jewelry?"

Lover: "ohh. Her? What's wrong with her?"

Debut: "reputation is the WORST. She might not have any friends, but it's not like she needs them. She's SUPER mean. And she gets into A LOT of fights."

Lover: "oh? Maybe she's just lonely. Maybe she just needs a friend."

Midnights: " DO NOT be her friend. She's a Backstabber."

Lover: "alright. I guess I can trust you guys. But I still think everyone deserves a chance."

Debut: "everyone EXCEPT reputation."

Lover: "what did she do?"

Midnights: "reputation does LOTS of bad things. Like ONE time, my friend speak now was doing a group project with reputation, and reputation told the teacher that speak now didn't do any of the work, so she got an F."

Debut: "also, she's SUPER mean. She never talks to anyone. She just death stares them."

I listened to all the things midnights and debut were saying about reputation. And I just couldn't believe anyone would do all those things. But there has to be a reason why, right? There's got to be more to her.


End of part 1

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