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The Hwang mansion, usually a hive of activity, held its breath this morning. Anticipation crackled in the air, a stark contrast to the silence that had descended. In the grand dining room, Aera and Hyunjin, the Hwang twins, sat across from each other. Their eighteenth birthday wasn't just any birthday; it was the day their true nature would manifest, the day they would awaken to their divinely ordained powers.

The room itself reflected the solemnity of the occasion. Crimson velvet drapes, usually pulled back for sunlight, remained shut, bathing the space in a muted light. Spread across the table, instead of the usual breakfast fare, lay a simple arrangement of blood oranges. These vibrant fruits, symbolic of sacrifice and redemption in Christian faith, held a deeper meaning for the twins today.

Aera, her black hair cascading down her shoulders, met Hyunjin's gaze with a mix of apprehension and excitement. Her brother, his brown hair slightly messy as always, seemed to radiate an energy unlike anything she'd ever felt from him before. It was an energy that resonated with a quiet strength, a deep faith.

Suddenly, as if touched by a divine hand, both their eyes flared golden. A gasp escaped Aera's lips, but Hyunjin met her gaze with a serene smile.

"Well, that was..." he began, searching for the words, "a blessing."

"A blessing?" Aera echoed, her voice trembling slightly. "Our eyes just... shone like halos!"

"Calm down, sis," Hyunjin chuckled softly. "See? Everything's alright. These are gifts from God, and He wouldn't give us something we can't handle."

Pureblood vampires, a lineage steeped in Christian faith, were protectors. Blessed by God, they wielded their power to defend humanity from the darkness that threatened to consume it. Aera had always known this, but there was another part to their identity, a secret their parents had shared - a secret that resonated with the newfound light within her.

"There's something else," Aera blurted out, her voice barely a whisper.

Hyunjin cocked his head, his smile fading. "What is it?"

Aera hesitated, her gaze darting around the room before landing back on her brother. "Mom and Dad always said there was more to us. That we... we were chosen by God."

A flicker of surprise crossed Hyunjin's face, then a gentle understanding spread across his lips. "Remember that feeling of peace, of being watched over, when we were kids? Mom called it our 'guardian angel'."

Aera's eyes widened. "You remember that?"

Hyunjin nodded. "Always thought it was just a childhood fantasy. But..." he trailed off, his golden eyes searching the air. "There is something there, isn't there?"

A hush fell over the room. Then, a soft, golden light filled the space. It wasn't blinding, but warm and inviting. Looking up, they saw not an angelic being, but a pair of shimmering doves circling above them - symbols of the Holy Spirit.

A voice resonated within their minds, powerful yet comforting. "Aera and Hyunjin," it spoke, "you have come into your inheritance. Use your gifts wisely, for you are called to be instruments of God's will, wielding the light to protect His children."

Aera's heart hammered in her chest. This was it. The other half of her heritage, the divine connection, was finally awakened. She glanced at Hyunjin, seeking his unwavering faith.

Hyunjin grinned, his golden eyes now holding a strength rooted in his faith. "Go on, sis. It seems we're not just vampire twins anymore. We're instruments of something far greater."

Aera took a deep breath, her gaze flickering between her brother and the light-filled doves. The future felt both daunting and exhilarating. With a determined nod, she stood up, ready to embrace the extraordinary destiny that awaited them both, protectors chosen by God to safeguard humanity from the encroaching darkness.

Hope you loved it. I will try to publish chapter 1 tomorrow.

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