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Some of you may have heard I plan on self publishing this story as a trilogy :-) Thought I'd answer some of your questions here rather than individually on my announcement page :-)

When it's published will you stop posting here just so we have to pay for the book to find out what happens next? Will you take the book off Wattpad?

No, of course not! Everyone will still be able to read this, and all future chapters for free right here or on AO3. If you like what you read you can then buy a physical copy of the book if you want :-)

What will Loki and Y/N be called?

SO FAR, while I'm editing, I've named Y/N 'Méi' ("may") and Loki 'Meglynn' ("meg-lynn"). Later in the book Méi starts calling him 'Meggs' as their relationship progresses, I thought it was cute, but if these are the worst names you've ever heard please please please suggest new ones! 

I'm not so keen on Méi because it's an Asian name and, while beautiful, this story is set in medieval Europe, not Asia so it sort of sets the wrong vibe. Some people liked "Wren" for Y/N, but I sort of wanted a more made-up fantasy name that no one else has used before. All suggestions are accepted but please:

- Made-up names only

- it can not already be in use (please research suggestions first! Almost every name that's been suggested so far is already used by Game Of Thrones! 😅)

- nothing too basic, please

- it's gotta suit Y/N, who in this version is a brown-haired, plain-looking sort of woman. Just ya average jo

- they have to fit a European medieval setting

What other names will change?

Only the copyrighted ones like Odin, Frigga and Thor. They are now King Cade, Queen Lophia, and Prince Sol. Asgard is now "Velôr", the Vanir Kingdom is now "Calpurzia" and Jöttenheim is now "Hylune".

Isn't this a fanfiction? So it's ALL copyright?

Nope, this all came from my mind, besides the Casket Of Ancient Winters, but I've renamed it and described a bit different so it can pass as a generic magical artefact. The world's in this are actually stolen from 17-year-old me who invented a planet while writing her first novel. My nine realms aren't even realms, they're land masses on one single planet. No rainbow bridge. And the idea of ice people living in the mountains doesn't really belong to anyone, its been used in Norse myth, Game Of Thrones and something else idk

After editing, is it still the story we know and love?

Yep, just with a few spelling errors removed, the writing cleared up a bit (I did start this when I was in my teens😅) and a bit more depth added to the world, history and characters.

You know you won't become the next JKRowling, right? You'll probably sell, like, 10 at most.

I don't mind 😁 like some of you, I just want to hold this book in my hands. I don't mind not making money off this, it's just nice to make something, isn't it? I've got some money saved so if anyone needs help with shipping costs, so long as it's like under £20 I'll help you! I literally can't express enough how much I just love the idea of ANYONE wanting something I wrote on their bookshelf.

Do you need advice on how to self-publish/how it all works?

No thanks! My mum's friend worked in publishing so she's helping me. I won't even have to pay for any of this coz it's free on Amazon and a few other well-known sites.

What will it look like?

I want it to be pretty, obviously, so it's worth buying. Here are some pictures of existing covers. Which style would you like it to be? I'll also add as many pictures inside the book as the printing company will allow. Do you want the main characters on the front? or a more minimalist style with just the title?

 Do you want the main characters on the front? or a more minimalist style with just the title?

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How many books will there be?

I'll separate them into each part. The first book will be up to Y/N rescuing him from Vanir. Book 2 will be up to where we are now, and book 3 will be after that. I did the math and they're all novel length which is MAD, so I literally can't publish them as one whole book because even the first two would be like a brick. 😅

Thank you to everyone who has given an input so far! And an even bigger thank you to everyone who has ever enjoyed something I've written! It means so much to me!

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