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Hello and welcome back to another chapter!

It's peaceful. Cute. Domestic. Whatever.

Those times will be over soon, so enjoy peace while it lasts!






»How about we have some lunch first?«

Charles gave Kyra a raised eyebrow as this was her fifth attempt at delaying the visit to her dad. This time he didn't give into it though, leading her towards the green painted house somewhere on the outer part of the city.

»No, we are doing this now, mon amour.« Charles said gently, giving the young woman an encouraging smile, but she just wrinkled her pointy nose. »We already called the lady and told her we were coming.«

Kyra couldn't argue with that, knowing that Charles was absolutely right. It didn't help her nerves though. She felt restless, like she'd rather run three marathons in a row that set foot in that building. It was idiotic. There was no reason for her to freak out like this. She was just visiting her dad, it wasn't a big deal.

She wished she could take Charles hand, have something that would give her stability, but she couldn't even do that. Not as long as they were outside. His hand on the middle of her back did help a little, even though it was pushing her towards the glass doors a bit fast that she would have liked it too.

»You can do this!« Was the last thing Charles whispered to Kyra before the doors slid open and they were inside. Now it was his time to stay quiet and follow Kyra as he'd never been here and he didn't want to force his presence on the young woman. He knew she'd rather be here by herself, but because she couldn't go anywhere without him he had to be here too.

A little lost Kyra looked around. The last time she'd been here had been years ago and they had remodeled since then. The entrance part was small, having three doors leading to different part of the facility. Her confusion didn't last long though as a short, grey-haired woman burst through the door to their right.

She wasn't more than a flash of grey as she threw herself around Kyras neck, who had to bend down quite far, because she was much taller than the woman. Immediately she recognized Elisabet, who hadn't changed a bit. Even her perfume was the same, clouding Kyras nose with it's thick, flowery note, but the young woman didn't mind it at all. It calmed her enough to smile at Elisabeth when she looked up at her.

With her hands still on Kyras shoulder Elisabet drew back so she could properly inspect Kyra. She was smiling brightly, some of her red lipstick had transcended to her teeth.

»Oh, Kyra, ein Schatz!« Elisabeth cooed, her hands now cupping the young woman's cheeks. »Du bist ja richtig erwachsen geworden! So lange wie ich dich nicht gesehen habe!«

»Tut mir leid!« Kyra smiled apologetically, a little overwhelmed by an elderly woman doting on her like she was her own grandchild. Of course she knew how Elisabeth was, calling with her a lot over the years, but it was something else in person. »Wir hätten aber auch Face Time ausprobieren können.«

»Ach, du weisst doch, dass ich mich nicht gut mit der Technik verstehe.« Elisabet waved her hand in the air, rolling her eyes.

Charles was watching the two women talking in a language he could not understand. What he did understand though was the expression on his girlfriends face. She looked a little younger now, less troubled than she usually did. It was a nice sight, as she'd been plagued by worries and sadness for weeks now. Bringing her here had been a good idea. She could take off her mask for a while and just be herself.

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