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Okay, I don't have much to say except for enjoy and prepare for some chaos!

I hope you'll think it's fun like I do!






It was back to regular life by Thursday and Charles had to be on the grid for media day. Oddly enough he was excited for it, which probably resulted from the support he'd been getting all week. Of course there was still a lot of hate surrounding the Monegasque, but for the first time in a long time there were actually positive posts about him. Many people were rooting for him to win his home race and generally wishing him to do well this weekend.

The same energy was carried into the interviews. Barely any reporter asked Charles about his personal life and rather racing, the way it was supposed to be. It helped him transition from the three days he'd had with Kyra back to his job.

It was great, really. So when he was sitting in a group interview with Carlos and Max in the afternoon, he was in a great mood, sitting between the two other drivers up on a small stage. A crowd of reporters were sitting on chairs in front of them, asking their questions and giving their statements. It was a relaxed atmosphere, everyone was having fun.

In a moment of weakness Charles glanced over at Kyra, who was standing by the entrance of the room, doing her job. They smiled at each other, Charles not hearing one of the press guys asking him a question. Max had to bump him with his elbow to win Charles attention.

»I'm sorry?« Charles looked up at the man standing in the crowd. He was tall, rather on the heavier side and the stray grey shimmer in his brown hair suggested that he was somewhere in his mid-fifties. He had to be new, as Charles usually recognized most reporters.

»I wanted to show you something.« The man had a discomforting smile on his face, sending cold showers down Charles back, but he kept smiling as the man held up a photograph. »I think it would be of interest to everyone in this room.«

As the photograph was being carried to the front, Charles frantically searched his brain about what that photograph could be of. More evidence of him in bed with someone? Had he done something stupid without noticing?

He resisted to urge to glance at Kyra again, knowing all eyes were on him right now. They'd been so good at hiding their affection towards each other, he didn't want to mess it up now. But before Charles could break out into panic, the photo was laid down in front of him... and then Charles panicked anyways.

He didn't recognize what is was supposed to be right away. It was dark, clearly taken at night, but then Charles was able to make out a RedBull jacket and dark, wavy hair. That was the back of Kyras head, Charles saw it now. She was bent forward, her arms slung around someone else. Charles only knew it was him because he'd been there, his face was (luckily) hidden behind hers. The picture had been taken during their make-out session behind the restaurant in Miami...

Then it hit Charles. Kyra had heard it, heard someone photographing them, but Charles had just convinced her it was the wind...

»That is your bodyguard on the picture right? The lovely lady standing over there!« The journalist pointed to where Kyra was standing, all heads turning to her. She was able to control herself better, her face cold as ice, unlike Charles who could feel how shocked he must've looked. »It looks like she's kissing someone on the picture. Can you confirm? Do you know how it was?«

The tone in the mans voice clearly suggested that is was him, everybody else could hear it as well. Charles felt like he was backed into a corner, desperately trying to regain control over his facial features, unable to form words. What he said next would define his fate, if he said anything even slightly revealing it would all be over for him.

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