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Good day, people!

So I googles Charles height today and turns out him and Kyra are EXACTLY the same hight, which I found very fucking funny. I hope you do to, unless you're hardcore into height gaps (then the next fanfic might be something for u ;)
(Also... I am very fucking surprised Charles is that tall. Don't come for me, but I always felt like he was giving short king energy)

So kinda smut warning for this chapter. It's not super long or heavy, but it's smut nonetheless.

Also TW: mentioning off abusive relationship







There was nothing holding them back, neither of them able to remember the consequences their behavior would have if they got caught. They were fueled by their confessions, knowing that they both had feeling for each other only made their kisses more passionate. And the alcohol they'd both consumed that night sure played a role as well.

At some point they found themselves pressed against the wall. Neither of them fought to have the upper hand, for once both of them were equal. This wasn't about dominance or submission, only the need to feel the other close.

The kisses started out innocently, loving touches on their faces or shoulders. But once the cold wall was scratching on their skin and the desire in them rose, all caution was thrown out the window.

Kyras hands found their way underneath Charles shirt. They roamed over the warm skin, which was a stark contrast to Kyras ice cold fingers. Shivering Charles gasped, but he let Kyras do her thing. To distract himself from the freezing sensation, Charles wrapped his arms around the young woman's waist, quickly grabbing for her ass.

A rustle broke Kyras focus, her head turning around. »Did you hear that?« She whispered, holding on to Charles shoulders. It was too dark to see anything no matter how hard she squinted.

»I'm sure it was just the wind.« Charles muttered, no even looking up. He was too wrapped up in the paralysing sweet scent of his bodyguards.

»Hm...« Turning back to Charles, Kyra dodged his lips and instead went on to kissing his neck. She was sober enough to know that she couldn't give him any hickeys, even though all she wanted to do was mark him. Show people whose he was. But instead she was content with kissing and biting along the delicate skin and listening to the moans she lured from Charles lips. »You look so pretty. The way you-«

»Stop.« Charles groaned, one hand wandering up to Kyra's mouth to cover it. Frowning she stared at him, questioningly. So he explained, his voice strained, »You can't praise me here or you'll have to fuck me right here and now.«

»Hah!« Kyra removed the mouth cover and softly bit into Charles cheek, hearing another restrained moan. »How about we get out of here then, love?«

»That's the most attractive thing anyone's ever said to me.«

They had a hard time letting go of each other as they went back to the front of the building. Charles had to quickly go inside again to grab his jacket and say his goodbyes. He told Kyra he would fake a headache, in case anyone would try to get him to stay or question why he was leaving relatively early.

Back at the car, Charles got the keys snatched by Kyra. When he gave her an offended stare, she nodded down to a very obvious bump in his pants. »Look at you, you can barely walk. I'll drive.«

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