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Hey guys, this is going to be kind of a filler chapter.

It's supposed to be fun, light and just a bit chaotic as well. There's a bunch of time skips so don't get confused!

Aight see u later!






»It's good to have you two back!« Max smiled at his friends, Lando next to him nodding enthusiastically. They were all standing around the paddock of the Silverstone Circuit as Charles was finally able to race again.

Charles was surprised, not by them necessarily, but more by the friendliness all the other drivers had welcomed him back with. Nobody seemed reserved or hostile around him anymore, which was confusing right until Carlos had told him about an unofficial drivers meeting they'd had. Apparently the few drivers on Charles side seriously made the other feel bad with their distant attitude, especially after the accident. So everyone had gone back to normal, treating him like one of their own again.

»It's good to be back. Really. I missed it more than I thought I would.« Charles stretched out his arms as if he was trying to hug the entire grin, earning himself a smile from the young woman next to him.

Kyra had been on edge ever since their run in with Katherine, but seemed at least a little more relaxed here. Her smile wasn't as strained when she gave Lando and Max a nod. »What are you two up to?«

»No much honestly.« Max just shrugged, looking very casual.

The Brit next to him wasn't as good at acting though, the guilty smile sneaking on his lips giving them both away. Lando tried turning away to hide his face, but it was to late.

»Lando! What are you up to? Tell me!« Kyra voice had taken in a tone similar to the one Charles mother had used many times during his childhood. Usually when him and his brothers had been up to no good.



They had a stare-off, trying to see who would break first (Charles and Max exchanged glances, both knowing it would be Lando). And as expected it took the Brit exactly two seconds before he stomped his foot on the ground and he yelled, »Okay, fine! We wanted to go and mess with the other RB team.«

»Tsunoda and Riccardo?« Kyra had her arms folded over her chest and the way she was looking down on Lando really made her look like a mother scolding her pre-teen son.

»Yes, them... but it was Max's idea!« Lando tried defending himself, but to no avail. Now both of them were getting lectured.

Charles just stood there, waiting for his girlfriend to finish. To him this was pretty funny, because it just looked too much like they were parents, trying to get their children under control. And for a good minute he zoned out, wondering what it would look like when they had their own children... he would definitely be more hands-on them.

»Alright, now both of you get back to your own garages! I am sure Zak and Horner need you for something.« Under the watchful eye of Kyra even Max Verstappen nodded and lowered his gaze. A surprise to the nation.

Both men turned around, looking defeated as if they'd just lost a race or something, but Lando turned around all of a sudden. Seeming very upset he pointed at Kyra and said, »You really honor your last name, but not in a good way. I always thought Shepherds were supposed to be nice!«

»Yeah, if the sheep follow their lead. Now stop with the distractions and go!« Shaking her had and laughing quietly, so Lando wouldn't hear, Kyra turned back to Charles, who was grinning back at her. »Children, all of them!«

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