Chapter 2:Axel

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I wake up to a kiss on the lips from Rosa and the sunlight burning my eyes we stayed a night over my parents house since it was late "morning" I say to her and get out of bed  "good morning sleepy head" she says and I kiss her and go to the bathroom and I put her on top of the counter because she's short and I give her an extra toothbrush and we brush our teeth after we were done we went downstairs to see my mom cooking breakfast and I sit on a bar stool and pull Rosa on my lap "did you guys sleep well?" My mom asked "yes"I say,just then my dad walks in and Rosa leans back on me "hey dad" I say me and my father a not really that close but we talk every once in a while, then my phone rings and I answer it "what?" I say coldly to the person on the other side when Rosa looks up at me "deal with it or I'll deal with you and him" I say and hang up the phone and Rosa sends me the most meanest glare ever "Axel Benjamin winters" she says in the most calm voice ever "stop being mean or I'll stab you in the hand with a fork" she says I look at her "yes ma'am" then I look away with a guilty face then she get off of my lap and pulls me to my feet "come on we have to go home and get ready" he gets up and puts on some sweat pants and a t shirt and we leave his parents house and go back to ours.we get home and shower and put on some fresh clothes.

                                                            This is Rosa's outfit

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                                                            This is Rosa's outfit

                                                       This is axel's outfit  We are going over to Rosa's parents to see her family for breakfast I'm guessing since it's 10am and I haven't eaten

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                                                       This is axel's outfit 
We are going over to Rosa's parents to see her family for breakfast I'm guessing since it's 10am and I haven't eaten.we leave after we finish getting ready and get into the car and I drive out of the driveway and head towards her parents house while she in the car on TikTok like always and I put my hand on her thigh and she looks up at me then back at her phone.after about 7 minutes we are at her parents house and she unlocks the door and walks into the hose with a big smile on her face I enter behind her and close the door.her family turns and looks at us "hey guys" she says and hugs them "hey" I say and I look towards a guy whose glaring at me "Roman don't you dare" she glares at him and she introduces me to her mother Amelia and her father Luca and Roman her older brother and we all sit down on the couch and talk and I get on my phone when I see Rosa get up and gets a glass of wine and sits back down and I take it from her "Axel Benjamin winters give it back" she says "nope you not allowed to drink your 18 you gotta be 21" he teases "your 20 not 21 yet you idiot so give is back or I'll stab you with my dagger you little mierda" (shit) and I give her back her drink "Rosa language" her mom says "sorry mom" I stick my tongue out at her "I'll cut off your tongue Axel don't stick it out at me" rosa responds and I quickly put my tongue back in my mouth knowing she will do it. Then we all eat and me and rosa stay for a little then leave for the night

This chapter is probably shit and the next chapter Rosa will be drunk and Axel will be in a meeting with most of the other mafia dons that are 19 and older

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