Chapter 3:Rosa

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I go to one of the bars my dad owns and get black out drunk and calls Axel
"Hello" Axel answer "Hiii!" I say in a slurry voice "Rosa are you drunk" he asked "no I'm definitely not drink or whatever" I respond "yes you are where are you?" He questions
"I don't know a bar or something I'm going out side" I say clearly drunk "No your not stay inside until i come and get you" Axel says annoyed "no" I blurt out "Rosa Cory stone" he says "what do you want butt head or I'll stick my foot up your ass ugly" I respond but he already hung up and on the way to pick me up I sit in the parking lot until a Range Rover pulls up and Axel gets out and picks me up off of the parking lot and puts me in the car and we go home he throws me over his shoulder and takes me inside "Axel" I say "what" he responds "guess what"I tell him "hmm?" He hums "I have your gun"I say and he immediately takes it and I get down and go to the kitchen to see a small group of 9 Mafia dons and Axel walks in behind me "what are you loser's staring at look the other way or I'll shoot" they don't look away "Axel" I cry out he sighs in annoyance "what" he says "I want ice cream you little shit" I yell at him "okay okay fine" when he says that I smile and he gets my ice cream "Rosa go change out of the dress" he says and I send him a icy glare "you are unbearable" he mumbles and I slap him in the back of his head "don't  you dare say that again" I warn him and go upstairs and change

I go to one of the bars my dad owns and get black out drunk and calls Axel"Hello" Axel answer "Hiii!" I say in a slurry voice "Rosa are you drunk" he asked "no I'm definitely not drink or whatever" I respond "yes you are where are you?" He questio...

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                                              Her outfit and one of Axels hoodies

"Im back" I yell and go back into the kitchen with all the guys and sit on Axels lap
And finish my ice cream and they guys are staying the night for a mission tomorrow the meeting ends and I drag Axel to bed and kiss him for a while before he picks me up and I wraps my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist and he gently lays me on the bed and we slowly undressed each other until we are both naked and he kisses my neck and I moan slightly when he bites my sweet spot and teases my clit with his hand and I bite my lip and I push my self against him and he groans fully entering me and he begins to move "Axel" I moan out "try and be quiet for me so you don't wake anyone okay?" And I nod biting my lip and he continues to move faster each time,my nails digs into his back and I bite his shoulder making him groan and I bite my lip and I cum trying to be as quiet as possible,then he cums and pulls out laying next to me breathlessly and we eventually fall asleep and I wake up the next day at 9am with a massive headache and sore and I look over to Axel who's still sleeping so I get up and put on one of his shirts and I hit him with a pillow and he shoots up "you idiot" I say to him "what did I do?" He responded "my legs hurt" I yell at him before a smirk formed on his face and I hit him with a pillow again "it's not funny" I mumble and he puts some clothes on and hugs me before going downstairs and I fallow after him and see the guys already up and I roll my eyes "hi guys" I say as they all turn to me I go to the kitchen and make breakfast for all of us

Longest chapter I think and I will be introducing all the characters

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