Chapter 4:Rosa

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I decided to go to my best friends she's also in the mafia and she absolutely hates her father after he killed her mother and older sister and brother.she came and worked for me sure a trust her but not enough to give her personal information about my life we met at one of my office buildings she changed everything about her and her surname/last name so he couldn't find her.her father was the head of the French mafia who is also our worst enemy he's coming for Axel,me,my parents,my brother,Axel's sister,and Axel's parents but he will die before he touches a single hair one one of our bodies.after hours of talking and laughing and chatting we said we would call each other and I went back home shower and went to one of the meetings involving some of his trusted men the Russian, Brazilian,Italian and Spanish mafia witch also means my dad and mother and greeted everyone and sat down in Axel's chair on my phone while he explained a mission to everyone and after a while I got bored and threw my purple diamond incrusted dagger a few meters away from Axel's head and he turned around and looked at me with a glare so did everyone else "I want a pet"I say "no" is all he said I stand up and get my dagger out of the wall and glare at him "yes" I protest against him "fine what pet do you want" in a annoyed voice "a tiger"I look home dead in the eyes as I said "absolutely not"he immediately said after "I will kill you in your sleep don't forget I lay next to you in the same bed every night and you know I will do it" I said in a deadly calm voice "fine" I heard him say and I smile and the meeting continues after the meeting ends and Axel showers and puts on plaid pants without a shirt and I cuddle up next to him and he went to sleep before me and I heard a noise but I did think much of it until a couple minutes I heard it again I turn to Axel and wake him up when he wakes up I point to the door to the balcony and I hush him grabbing two of my guns from under the bed giving one to him and we hide them and act like we are sleep when we heard the balcony door slide open and when the person steps closer to the bed Axel shoots up and pushes him onto the and I get out of bed and notice something about the guy that seemed familiar "get up Axel"I say and he does after I take off the guys mask and my eyes went wide they guys was a exact replica of my dad "who are you" I asked and asked again when I go no answer and I kicked him "answer me now"I say and I point the gun at him "I'm Roman" is all he said "who are your parents" I asked "some guy named Luca stone and Amelia stone" he said calmly and I put the gun down in shock "get of the floor" Axel told Roman and he got up "they lied to me" I said through gritted teeth and my fist balled into fist "get out of here Roman"Axel said stepping behind me and pulled me closer to calm me down and Roman left after that I hugged Axel tightly a tear fell down my cheek and another and another until I couldn't control it and put my face in axel's chest and he picked me up and laid down in bed with me holding me tight until I fell asleep and Axel fell asleep after me.the next day I wake up around 10:40 am and I get out of bed after I brush my teeth I do my hair and put on a outfit

I go downstairs to see my family and Axel's family including his sister witch it's my first time meeting and I ignore them and made some food for everybody and sat down at the table I ate while the rest of them are chatting "Rosa" and I look over ...

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I go downstairs to see my family and Axel's family including his sister witch it's my first time meeting and I ignore them and made some food for everybody and sat down at the table I ate while the rest of them are chatting "Rosa" and I look over to my dad who called me "why are you ignoring us" he said and I shrugged my shoulders and get up and walk towers Axel "I have a meeting for my company specifically 4 of them so I'll be back in a couple of hours"I say to him before giving him a quick kiss and leaving the house and driving to my company and going into my office telling my assistant to tell me when my meetings start and to come and get me after just 3 meetings I feel completely exhausted and wanna go home just then I snapped out of thought when my assistant came it and told me my other meeting has started and I immediately get up and go to the planed meeting room and greet everyone and I listen to them explain how they could benefit my company and bring in more people and shipments and I eventually signed a contract with them and told them to start working tomorrow after finishing what felt like a decade of work I finally went home to see everyone still there they all turned to me and I roll my eyes and walk away with Axel following me like a lost dog when he not lost I get in the shower and put on pajama pants and Axel's hoodie with nothing under and laid in bed on my phone "aren't you gonna talk to your family about what happened" he asked "did you already tell them" I look up at him as he shake his head and I get out of bed and go downstairs and they all turn to me "what" I asked with an emotionless face and cold tone "aren't you gonna talk to us" my mom asked "why should I when you hid the fact I had a brother but why? Why did you hide it from me"I asked in the same tone and they all looked at me in complete shock "we will explain later your not old enough to understand" my dad said in a angry tone "I'm 18 years old I'm pretty sure I'm old enough to understand everything it's not like I'm gonna break down in tears I've spent most of my life being trained,tortured and suffering and I know and understand more than you ever will it's not like he has anything to do with me being kidnapped at fucking 7 years old and being stuck in that hell hole for ten and a half years you know nothing about what I had to go through and nothing about what I understand" I yell at him and everyone staring at me in shook because no one knew except my parents that I was kidnapped and before I stormed upstairs slamming the door behind me a couple of minutes later the door opens and Axel walks in laying down next to me and cuddling me and I turn to face him wrapping my arms around his neck "are you ok?" He asked and I nodded and look him in the eyes "what's wrong?" He questioned "I'm scared" I say softly "why" and I look at him after he asked why "I'm pregnant" I whisper barely Auditable and his eyes widened and I look at him with a grin and he hugged me tightly with a big smile plastered on his face "finally" he whispers and I glare at him when he realized I heard that and hit him on the back of the head "sorry" he said softly "you did this shit on purpose" I asked and he nodded "βλάκας" I said (idiot) "don't call me that" he said and I smiled and hugged him


This is definitely the longest chapter for now

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