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After what happened last night I'm pretty sure Rosa couldn't walk and was very sore and I hurts when she walk so of course I helped her put some clothes on and she did her hair and makeup and when we were done getting ready a knock Interrupted us

                                                          This was our outfit And I helped Rosa lay down on the bed before getting up and opening the door thankfully the walls were sound proof when we clap our hands 4 time no one came here what's ...

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                                                          This was our outfit
And I helped Rosa lay down on the bed before getting up and opening the door thankfully the walls were sound proof when we clap our hands 4 time no one came here what's coming out or in to the room "happy birthday girl" Tiana  said and I smiled "thank you" I said and the rest of the family came pouring in "happy birthday" they all screamed and hugged her "thanks guys" she says with a happy voice "how are you feeling" I asked her "I'm perfectly fine" and I rolled my eyes "yeah right" I mumble and she glares at me one again then everyone left except the girls who are hanging out with Rosa so I left

Rosa POV
Every man left the room along with Axel who closed the door and the girls glare at me and I smile at them "why aren't you getting up" Tiana asked with a curious face "because it's comfortable right here and warm" I say giving them a sheepish smile
"Your lying" my mother said and I looked at her and then they had a smirk on there faces and lifted me off of the bed and stand me up "what are you guys doing" I asked
"We want you to try and walk" Talia said and I looked at her "I can't" I mumble no one hearing what I said "speak up" they all said at the same time "I can't" I speak a little louder so they can here me "why not"my mom asked "because" is all I say "because I-I don't want to talk about it" I said before trying to take a step but groan from the pain and I sat on the floor "he went to hard I'm guessing" Tiana whispered in my ear so no one else could here and I nodded and she starts laughing at me and I glare at her "I wold hit you but I can't" I say in a threatening tone and after about 4 hours it's now 1pm I was able to walk and I walk straight to Tiana who runs out of the room with me chasing her and her screaming for her life when the guys saw what happened they stoped both of us I take out my dagger but Axel immediately took it and she smirked and I pulled out a gun witch he also toke and told me to give him the other two I had on my body and I do so "explain" Charles said "she was making fun of me because I couldn't walk for hours 4 hours to be exact" I say and she starts laughing and I get more mad and Axel holds me back then when I finally calmed down and she stopped laughing. I slapped Axel in the head "it's your fault you bastered" I say glaring at me "you weren't calling me that last nigh" he said with a smirk and I feel my cheeks flush red of embarrassment and I step on his foot and he immediately let me go "I hate you" I said "sure you do but you also wasn't saying that last night ether" he said with the smirk still on his face I screamed at everyone and leave the house slamming the door I get into his car and I text him "I'm gonna crash your Lamborghini truck" and I heard him scream from the house and running outside with every one with him and I roll Down the window and put my middle finger up and zooming off

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