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   Many days have passed since the guy named Kyung-soo came into my life.

Was it a week ago? Two weeks? 1 month? I really don't know. He just came like a hurricane disturbing my sleeping heart for what? He said he likes me! But should I believe him? Should I accept it? Should I react to it?

But then after the day he told me he likes me, he told me he doesn't need a response immediately. Kyung-soo just wants me to know that he likes me and he wants to see if that feelings will bloom and turn into something serious.

"Young-ji, can you help me with something?" Jun-Ho asked, he's the other stuff here at the store. Mostly he's here during the weekend.

I put down the hand mirror I'm holding to get closer to him. "Yes, what is it?"

He smiles nervously and points out the ceiling light that is already at the ground. "Can you put it back? I almost lost 32mins of my shift just trying to reach it but I can't. I figured out that you can put it back easily since you know your height is different from mine."

I tried to fight myself not to be offended but then, he's just telling the truth. I am really tall compared to him. "Y-yeah, of course. No problem." I said, I pull the chair then climb on it. Jun-Ho gave me the ceiling light and I tried to put it back. After struggling for a few minutes I managed to complete that favor, although I got a small cut on my finger, I'll just put band aid to this later.

"You're really reliable, Young-ji," Jun-Ho complimented me.

Sometimes, my height really benefits me in this kind of situation but, my height is also one of the reasons I can't find my love. I am too tall for everyone. Men only want women who are small for them, with chubby cheeks, small faces, small hands, small heart lips, and small bodies. I am not that girl.

I'm about to go back to my spot when suddenly the ceiling light falls on my head. Both me and Jun-ho got startled by it. "Ouch," I complained and massaged the part of my head where the light fell.

"Are you okay?" Jun-Ho asked not knowing what to do.

"Yes, I'll just put a band aid on this and I'll be fine." I said. Then climb again to put back the light on the ceiling.


"Why do I always cut my fingers?" I whispered to myself while waiting for my lunch time to end. I am here at the back of our store, sitting on the old couch thrown by the house nearby. I always spend my break time here since it's windy and relaxing.

"What happened to that?"

I almost fell on the chair when I heard Kyung-soo's voice behind me. My god, does he need to be this beautiful even when he looks worried?

"Nothing serious," I said, trying to pull myself together not to scream again. My heart is beating so fast and I am blushing whenever he's nearby. What is happening to me?

He sat down beside me. "Is there anything else from your body?" he asked, and about to touch me but I raised my hand to stop him. "Let me see your hand."

Without waiting for my answer he pulled my hand and held the injured finger gently. "Is it painful?"

"I'm still alive so it's not. A small cut won't kill me." I answered nervously. He smiled and took a band aid from his pocket. Does every guy carry a band aid every time? OMG.

"It's not but I'm worried. " That simple answer sent hundreds of electricity throughout my whole body. I just shut up and watch him putting the band aid on it. His beauty is prince-like, it's really hard to believe he's interested in someone like me.

"I know I'm that handsome but don't stare at me as if you want to kiss me," he said. The moment he looked at me with that bright smile on his lips, my heart jumped again and again. Too late to look away, I just stare at him while he's also doing the same on me. "You're pretty."

I want to speak and tell him that I'm not pretty. But my mouth remains silent. Luckily my phone rings and it's my alarm means I have to go back to the store. "I have to go back to the store," I said. I immediately stood up ready to walk away with him but then he spoke.

"Do you really want to avoid me because you don't believe me?" he asked. His voice is a little low and his face is serious. "Do you think I don't know what I'm doing?"

I chuckled. "Do you really want me to believe your words when we just met?"

"Didn't you know that it takes seconds to love someone?"


"Yes, we just know each other for a month now. But the moment I saw you, I knew I liked you. It may not be grand as love yet but I'm willing to explore this feeling with you. Falling in love takes time, but please try to accept it rather than avoiding me."

That shocked me. If anyone may see us right now they will assume that we are fighting but it's just him and the seriousness of his voice and face. I have never met a guy acting like this towards me. Does he really like me?

He walked towards me and took one of my hands. "Just let me like you, Young-ji."

Should I reject him now? What if I will never encounter this kind of love again if I reject him? What if I regret it because I know deep in myself I like him too? What if this once in a lifetime opportunity of meeting a man like him won't happen again? Am I ready for it?

"You're really pretty, Young-ji." he said, tapping the tip of my nose. "Let's go back for now. "

"A-alright." I said then pulled my hand from him. But then he took it again. "My hand is sweaty. Don't touch it now."

"Sweaty?" he laughed. "Are you nervous?"

"Don't tease me. Let go of my hand, it's sweaty." but instead of letting go of my hand he kissed it.

"Silly, I like what I'm feeling right now. Stop complaining and let's go back to work. "

I didn't protest, instead I smiled with him as we walked back to the shop. Is this really happening? Never mind, even if this is a dream I will surely like it. The same thing that I like about him. 

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