Tooru Should Hide

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It was finally Saturday, and Himari was getting ready to head to Lil' Tykes for the ice cream party.

"Tooru better have gotten everything." She mumbled as she tied her hair up.

She was finally ready to leave, so she headed downstairs and said goodbye to her mom and grandparents before heading out.

As she walked, she tried calling Oikawa, but it kept going to voicemail, causing her to get frustrated.

When she arrived at the gym, Oikawa was nowhere to be seen. She waited twenty minutes and grumbled before getting up.

"He better have everything."


Himari reached Aoba Johsai and walked through the gates. She headed straight for the gym, and could hear the spiking of volleyballs and the squeaks of the shoes through the closed doors.

She grabbed the handle of the door and took a deep breath before slamming it open. All the members looked at her as if she was crazy, but Oikawa paled.


"Hi, Mari." He replied nervously.

The third years watched with amusement as their captain and friend cowered. They could tell the first year girl was angry, so they stayed silent.

"You said you would be there to help, so please tell me what you are doing here?"

"He called for an extra practice." Iwa replied which made Oikawa snap his head towards his best friend with a look of betrayal to which Iwa just shrugged.


Oikawa tried backing away, but Himari jumped up and grabbed his ear. He whined, but Himari was angry.

"Tooru, please tell me you at least got the bowls, napkins, and spoons."

Oikawa's face brightened and Himari let go of him as he walked away and returned with a plastic bag. He handed it to her proudly, so she took it and looked inside. Oikawa flinched when she scowled at him.

"What? What's wrong? I got everything."

Himari took the items out of the bag and held them up, to which Oikawa began sweating.

"You got forks and plates for an ice cream party?"

Oikawa looked to his friends for help, but they just shrugged.

"Iwaizumi, hand me that ball."

The third year did as he was told and gave her the volleyball. Once it was in her hands, she chucked it at Oikawa's head.

"You're just like Iwa!" Oikawa complained.

Himari rolled her eyes and looked at Oikawa with a pointed look.

"Go get changed so we can go shopping."

Oikawa huffed and crossed his arms, "Don't tell me what to do."

"Tooru, you better start moving before I get to that cart of volleyballs."

Oikawa yelped and ran out of the gym. Himari sighed and looked up at the other members.

"Sorry about that. Tell him I'll be outside."

"Wait!" Iwa yelled.

Himari turned to the third year and tilted her head. He brought his phone out and held it to her.

"Can I get your number? It's so I can keep track of Oikawa and stuff."

Himari nodded and put her number in his phone before waving and walking out of the gym. When she got out, she was met with a number of girls who were glaring at her. She raised an eyebrow before looking at her phone.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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