Chapter 2

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The roads were empty in this part of the world. Kyungsoo was thankful for that as he stepped on the pedal. He drove against the pale morning sun, gripping the wheel with sweaty hands.

Half an hour later, Kyungsoo pulled up in front of the repository building. He looked around as he got out of the car, but the streets were empty. It was still early in the morning.

Kyungsoo walked into the building.

"Good morning, sir," the receptionist greeted him. Kyungsoo gave her his ID.

"Thank you, Mr. Do. Do you know where your safe is located?"

"I do. Thank you," Kyungsoo replied, shoving his ID back into his wallet, and strode across the sunlit entrance hall. He went through the door at the opposite end.

The staircase leading down to the storage facility was dim. There were no windows here. As Kyungsoo rushed down the stairs, he noticed that his knees were trembling.

It had been a year since Kyungsoo had last been here, but he found his safe easily. He pushed his key into the lock (his hands were shaking now, too), and opened the safe.

The box was still inside. Kyungsoo gave a relieved sigh. He took the box out, and it felt heavy. But just to make sure, Kyungsoo opened it and checked its content.

Then he locked his safe and walked out. He climbed up the stairs, and came back to the bright entrance hall.

"Found what you were looking for, sir?" the receptionist asked, smiling politely.

"Yes, thank you," Kyungsoo said. He felt the woman's gaze on his back as he walked out of the doors.

The temperature had risen, or maybe it just felt hotter after the air-conditioned storage room. Kyungsoo got back in his car and drove away, leaving behind a billow of dust.

It was still quiet when Kyungsoo got back home. He had anticipated something by now, but there had been nothing—whether it was a good or a bad thing, he didn't know. Looking over his shoulder, Kyungsoo opened the door to his house.

The morning calm was still hanging in the air in his house. Kyungsoo was met with the scent of coffee and the muted tunes from the radio in the background. Birds were twittering just outside the windows.

He had forgotten his phone on the table in the hall. He checked it—no new messages or calls. Maybe he should just contact Sehun? No. This was important. Kyungsoo put his phone back on the table and pressed the box against his chest. His heart beat violently against it.

He went to the nearest window and looked out. The yard was empty. He drew the curtains.

Then Kyungsoo put the box on the floor and took off the lid. There they were: ten marbles. One by one, Kyungsoo took them out. He stared at them, expecting them to do something. But they remained immobile and lifeless, like any other marbles.

So, it's up to me, Kyungsoo thought.

He could hold two or three marbles in his hand at the same time. So be it, he thought. He took the first three marbles and closed his eyes.

When Kyungsoo was done, he opened the windows and began to wait.

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