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Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Hehehe what a lovely sound coming from you~~ yes like that...scream more!! Like what you have done to my beloved..~~" she put down the gun and walk over to the weak body that have tree bullet hole on his shoulder and tight. She smile sweetly. The body try shakingly try to get out from the chair where he have been warp in with a chain around his body.

"Now...do you want to tell me where is that fucker...who made my beloved like this~~??"
The body cryingly shout to let him go.


"Shut up you stupid crybaby. Where is that fucker!!!"

"I can't tell you!! Or he gonna kill me!!!”

"Ohh you scared he gonna kill you..okay then how about we kill you first...starting with your eyes and then your ear...limbs han-"

"Okay okay!! I tell you just please don't kill me!!"

Kudo shinichi smile. He walk to his girlfriend side with his small body.

"I can't promise you that but we can at least made your death lest painfull right"


"Tell us" ran drag her knife down to the man throat.

"Okay !! He at ************. Now you have it please don't kill me!!!!"

"Good like that..now we won't kill you now because you will lead us to Thier base okay" said ran before she pat that man hair.


"Yes Mr. kudo"

""Treat him and put him in those jail. Don't ever let him escape."

"Your wish is my priority" he vanished with the man body leaving the couple alone. Ran let out a heavy sigh. She walk down to her boyfriend before she hug that small body.

"You alright ran??" Ran shake her head. Shinichi kiss her forehead softly.

" Mind telling me??"

" It been so many years since we do something like this..."

"You right but don't worry ran I'm here"

"I love you shinichi"

" I love you to ran" he kiss ran cheek before he hug her tighly.


" This time was third corpse this week and it's all from the red couple. They really amazing doing their jobs. There is no single evidence left behind. All of the detective cant solved the case with this red couple."

" But don't you think all of this corpse come from the most wanted organisation megure keibu?"

"You right. I think the organization have mess with the couple to the point the couple murder the organization one by one"

"It's scary don't you think"

" Yeah...if I was right...maybe there will be a war where this red couple and the organization will fight and of couse the organization did not know who they mess with"

" The couple really that dangerous"

"Yes. I remembers years ago there is a body that are kill by the couple was really terrible . We couldn't recognise it and he don't have a skin all over his body..and I remember the skin was made as a blanket near the body and....his organ was everywhere. The eyes are gone and we found it near his feet..it was really terrified to watch."

"Really....no way..."

"Yes...and now...they have become more brutal since it was the most wanted organization."

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