11. Stalker

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"Weiying," his mother said, her voice trembling, "what are we going to do?"
Weiying forced a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, mom. They're just local goons trying to scare us. They want to take over our house, but they won't succeed."
His mother, eyes wide with fear, asked, "Are you sure, son?"
"Yes, Mom. Trust me," Weiying replied, trying to sound confident. However, deep inside, he knew the truth. He knew exactly who they were. The same mafia he had fearlessly confronted in their territory now threatened his own home. They just want his house this is the reason they were saying things.

The next day, Weiying went to college, trying to shake off the unease that clung to him. As he waited for the bus, he felt eyes on him. He turned around but saw no one. "It's just my imagination," he muttered to himself.
The bus arrived, and he quickly got on, looking around one last time before settling into his seat. Once at college, he took out his phone and called his friends.
"Hey, where are you guys?" Weiying asked.
"We're running late," replied wen Qing. "Neihushang's mother insisted we take lunch with us. You know how she is."
Weiying chuckled. "Yeah, always making sure we're fed. Well, hurry up. I am going inside I can't wait for you outside of the collage.

Weiying started walking into the campus building, still unsettled by the feeling of being watched. As he glanced back, he saw two bulky men in black suits trailing behind him.
"They're probably just going somewhere," he muttered to himself, trying to brush off his anxiety. He made his way to the library, hoping to lose them. Yet, as he reached the entrance and turned around, they were still there.
"This is ridiculous," he thought, irritation bubbling up inside him. He walked inside, pretended to browse some books, then exited the library. The men followed him out.
Filled with anger, Weiying spun around and pointed his finger at them. "Why the hell are you following me?"
"It's our boss's order," one of the men replied calmly.
"May I know who your boss is?" Weiying asked irritably.
"Wangji," the second man said.
Fear washed over Weiying. He tried to mask it with bravado. "I know he likes my home, but that doesn't mean you can follow me around like this just to take my house!"
"We don't know about that," the first man said, his tone unwavering. "We have orders to follow and protect you."
"Oh god, what is happening in my life?" Weiying muttered, praying silently for some sense to return. He turned and walked towards a side corridor, the men still on his heels.
He stopped in front of a door and turned to face them. "Do you want to follow me in here too?"
The men looked at the nameplate, which read "Men's Toilet." They shook their heads and took up positions outside the door.
Weiying stormed inside, frustration boiling over. He leaned against the sink and splashed water on his face, muttering curses under his breath. "Wangji, what kind of twisted game are you playing? Damn it, what do you want from me?"
He stared at his reflection, trying to calm his racing thoughts.

Weiying was inside the washroom when his phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen and saw Wen Qing's name.

"Where are you?" Wen Qing's voice came through the phone. "We're here at college."

"Coming in 2 minutes," Weiying replied, trying to keep his voice steady. He hung up and took a deep breath before stepping out of the washroom. As soon as he emerged, the bulky men resumed their positions behind him.

Weiying stomped his foot on the ground in frustration, muttering under his breath, "They're not going to leave me alone today." He walked with determined steps toward the courtyard where his friends usually gathered.

Neihushang, and Wen Qing were already there, chatting and laughing. As Weiying approached, their expressions turned from cheerful to confused.

"Who are those guys?" Nei asked, nodding towards the two men trailing Weiying.

Weiying sighed heavily. "Long story. Let's just say they were sent to... protect me."

"Protect you? From what?" Wen Qing asked, her eyes wide with concern.

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