Chapter 33

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Swearing all the way up to the highest peak in the High Mountains and back, Anna turned and hurried after Eva. Or tried to. Leo grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Let her go."

Because he was her prince, she didn't knock him onto his ass and pin him down by the throat. Instead, she threw a fully fledged glare his way that promised serious repercussions if he didn't release her.

"Let her go?" she repeated sharply. "Are you mad!?" If anything happened to Eva because of his egotistical, self-righteous code of conduct, she'd make sure he spent the rest of his life regretting it. "What exactly did you tell her?"

"The truth," he snapped, yanking his hand back to his side. He had known her long enough to know not to test her patience; however, instead of restraining her, he opted to block her path to the door. "I thought you had already told her--but then I saw her with Dex. . . she wouldn't be kissing him if she knew who she was kissing."

For a beat, Anna had nothing to say, caught completely by surprise. Eva and Gray? That was not something she saw coming. Not in a million years. She never thought she would see the day when Grayson got involved with someone, let alone that someone be Eva.

Then she got her mind back on track and really let his words sink in. She pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath. "Leo, please don't tell me you put Eva in danger because of a childish jealousy." Her voice was level, cool, one wrong word from erupting into a volcano of fury.

His cheeks puffed, going red. "Childish? I am anything but childish, Annaliese Hargin."

"Tonight, you are," she snapped. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Knight to catch-"

"She's already gone," Aster informed her.

"Why didn't you stop her?"

"Get between a storm dragon and his rider? Do you wish us death?"

"Fuck!" Anna kicked the unfortunate chair that happened to be the closest thing to her; it went flying across the room and shattered against the wall.

Leo flinched, hopping away from her, but wisely remained silent.

"She left," Anna growled. It was days like this when she wished had paid more attention to her mentor. If she had, she would be throwing fireballs left, right, and centre. Gods! She could burn an entire forest down, she was so mad. "I can't believe you told her. Grayson's identity is classified. Do you have any idea of the repercussions if word got out? You know what," she added, changing her mind, "I already know the answer. You don't care. You're just a selfish, spoiled prince, who likes to play Dragon Knight."

He baulked at her. "Classified? Do you hear yourself? That monster's brother murdered her family. He hunted and killed Arkon's kin! If anyone deserves to know that tidbit of classified information, it's Eva."

"Why, so she can run into your arms and cry about the loss of her family--or, even worse, tell everyone who he is?"

"Because it's the fucking humane thing to do!" he spat. "Gods, Anna! You sound like your mother!"

"Oof. He went there."

Anna recoiled, feeling the sting of tears in her eyes before she could gain composure.

When Anna was young, the Commander was often called to the castle for business, and, being her daughter, Anna went with her most of the time. While the adults talked, she and Leo played on the castle grounds. He was her longest friend. The only one who didn't turn away from her when she became a Knight. He knew exactly what he had said, what it would do to her. Which was why it hurt so much.

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