Where Everything Goes Wrong

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        My eyes fluttered open, it was the crack of dawn. My head propped on my arm as I remembered staring at the textbook on Self-Preservance 101, last night. I let my arms relax feeling numb and then leaned back on my chair. It was exhausting yesterday and today we had a Self-Preservance class first thing at noon. This was our last exam before we got a week of break and classes continued the following week after break. 

The breeze of the spring morning was chilly and however, our dormitories had "walls" There were many cracks in them due to their age so much of the wind came through and you had to bundle up tight to feel your extremities and not freeze to death. However, today the temperature was comfortable, and even with the ancient window in my dorm open fully, or how far the window could go down because the tracks were full of gum and dust that the window couldn't fully open anymore. But even with the almost fully opened window, the damp smell of rotting wood was intoxicating. The eerie silence of the whole dormitory was strange because there used to be bundles of energy in the mornings. 

I was exhausted as well, as I closed my textbooks on Self-Preservation 101 deciding that I couldn't concentrate and much less memorize the different techniques and hopped for a grade higher than an F, which didn't appeal to me to be in Mr. Crandall's class again next year. 

However, as he moved the textbook aside, he found a note, folded up it read.


Ben Ripley, 3rd year. 

You are being informed to meet with the current principal's officer at 1 PM. Do not be late. Your life depends on your punctuality to this meeting.

~Senior, High-rank principal of Spy School~

P.S Shred this note after reading


As he read through the note and realized how tight of a squeeze to arrive at the meeting on time, and usually a bit before because the Principal couldn't really understand being five minutes early and being late five minutes early. The principal really had only two sides of him, like a sheet of paper. One side is his utter incompetence that landed him this job at Spy School, due to his lack of ability on the field. And his fury. He tended to swag unexpectedly at times from both emotions. And calling himself, "Senior, High-Rank Principal of Spy School" Although it was true, he didn't need to add so many to his failure of a title. Also, the Principal's nickname that is used and accepted through the Espionage community is the "Idiot" for many reasons including his overall intelligence quotient and for one example out of many, of my exploding his office by accident (Long Story) and he has been upset ever since working in a cabinet with two sawhorses and a plank as a desk. But since then when he understood the Principal's "wrath" I decided it was unfavorable to go through his wrath again. There could be no possibility of arriving early however arriving on time could be possible.

As I thought through the letter something troubled him, however before long I slumped on my desk and slept, my joints still aching. It was the lunch bell that woke me up, I missed breakfast. I chuckled to myself, how many times had my own mother told me that breakfast was the most important meal of the day, especially on a day like exams in Spy School I thought. I opened my door and was greeted by a warmer, but still cool gust of air compared to the morning. I went to Erica's dorm and knocked, however she wasn't there. I went to Mike's dorm and he was sleeping slouching on his wooden chair with drool coming out of his mouth. I tiptoed in and scared him as he woke jolting. Mike then said sheepishly chuckling, "Ben, you know there are other ways to wake someone up than going into their room and scaring them to death." 

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