Where things get even worse.

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I stared at the screen rubbing my eyes, I couldn't believe my sight. So couldn't the CIA high-ranked, the principal, the faculty, my friends, and I. We all looked at the video. It was the sleek black outfit with a utility belt around the waist and the raven black hair with a gorgeous face, and striking blue eyes. It couldn't be, I was one of Erica's few friends that she could trust, and seeing that she just tried to kill me. 

All my friends stood over and watched it over and over, it was Jawa who first said something, "Why would Erica want to kill Ben, there would be no profit."

Then I understood, hoping that I was right myself, "It couldn't be that she was targeting me, the note that the Principal showed to me? It was probably Erica who forged it to make the room empty."

Zoe shook her head, "Then Ben why would she plant herself somewhere everyone can see her and you are clearly denying yourself, Ben. You can see herself clearly in this video and who said to us earlier that you possibly saw her escaping and jumping into the oak tree near the building." Jawa and Chip both nodded their heads approvingly. 

However, Mike honorably tried to back me up, "Maybe it was for a deeper cause. All the evidence points towards her being the attacker, but maybe like Ben said. There might be a deeper cause. Similar to last time..." Earning a glare from Zoe who did not want to be reminded of last time in which she was wrong. Jawa and Chip both seemed to have a neutral facial expression, however, they seemed to be agreeing with Zoe's assumptions because it was the most rational and with the amount of evidence in their hands. 

Zoe stormed out of the room, after a while Chip and Jawa left. With only Mike and I. I said, "Thanks for backing me up..."

Mike then replied nervously, "No problem, but I still have concerns. They do have a reasonable stand on how this is playing out. I just hope that you're right... again Ben." And then he exited the room. As I hear the CIA head ranks, including the Principal, they decided that capturing Erica this time would be the end of the assaults, as she blew up another building on campus not long ago, at Spy School. 

I later exited not sure that what I believed was actually true because it was clearly seen in the videotape that she tried to blow up the principal's officer in where I was headed after my exams. I sat on my bed thinking the day before it was all right, but suddenly everything spiraled out of control and I didn't know how to prove Erica's innocence.

As my eyes started to drop with my thin covers matted with stains from the previous student I slept, fitfully. 

Until something or someone dropped ontop of me. 

Spy School: Operation DownfallWhere stories live. Discover now