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                 Being ambushed was not part of my list of favourite things that would wake me up at 1 in the morning. I wished I could say that this was my first time being ambushed, but I'd be mistaken. I was ambushed on the first day of spy school and knocked the assassin unconscious however before I could get any help they escaped.

A dark shadow dropped from the ceiling, covering my mouth before I could call for help. But with the familiar smell of lilac and gunpowder. Erica Hale. I was bursting with questions on why she did this and why she made it so obvious during the attack. Erica Hale then said in a hushed tone, "Don't yell for help, unless you want your head to be pulled off your body."

Preferring my head and body intact, I nodded as she removed her hand I almost burst with multiple questions. I probably looked ill as Erica promptly jumped off my bed, stood near the opened window, and said coldly, "Look, Ben, it's complicated and I can't let be alerted that I was seen here. Follow me." She promptly jumped out of the opened window, as I sat in bed contemplating whether to follow. As I hastily changed and put on some clothes I followed her unconventional way of exiting. 

I followed her finding her standing partially in the shadows of the building, she whispered, "I've got all the cameras and any agent patrolling the area right now unconscious." Pulling my arm, we sprinted towards the wall that surrounded the campus and if the wall wasn't crumbling due to lack of maintenance, it was supposed to put curiosity at base as to what was happening in St. Smithen's Science Academy for Boys and Girls, which was of course Spy School.

I tried my best, still sore from the earlier run, and Erica was well in front of me. I struggled to keep up, while Erica was in top physical condition. We arrived at the wall, and usually with the height of it most students would file through the main entrance. However, as I looked over it was pretty well patrolled with CIA agents in pairs walking through it once in a while. 

As I scanned the gate, I spotted two figures running in my direction. Erica grabbing my arm hauled me over to the wall and swiftly scaled a rope to the drop of the wall. Doing the same except less gracefully. 

As we hopped over the wall, we approached the homes that surrounded Spy School. At 1 in the morning, most lights were off. We spotted a white pickup truck parked with the car keys on top of the dashboard. As Erica unlocked the door lock easily took the keys and started the car. Then finally looking at me said, "All right, Ben. Look back, there I was a bit harsh on you because of what happened the day before. The CIA is on to me, and possibly Zoe. But all I'll say now is Project Downfall has been initiated and the first step is to eliminate you, Ben."

I then sat there with my mouth gaped open, the last mission they went on Murray tried to kill me with his hired group of assassins, but this time he used Erica for whatever reason to try and kill me. Erics continued, "Well,  I faked the assassination, or else you would've been dead on the ground right now. And now Murray's planning something big, with the reserve finance he has remaining. Project Downfall. I'm unsure about the specific step of the plan, and their using my whole family against me. So I'm counting on you to help me figure out and defeat Murray once and for all."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14 ⏰

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