☆First Words♡

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This morning, when kickin woke up next to Bubba, and sat up shortly after giving Bubba a kiss on the forehead. Kickin hopped out of bed, and walked to Rocky's room.

Rocky was already awake, and chewing his feathery finger while staring at his crib bars.

(Like this, not the best but yah😋)

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(Like this, not the best but yah😋)

Rocky saw Kickin enter his room and smiled, along with some babbling as he reached for his "mama".

Kickin picked up Rocky and left the room, walking to the kitchen where Rocky's highchair was. He placed Rocky down in the highchair, and cooked some breakfast.

Kickin cooked some bacon (WE GOT YO GRANDMAMI PICKY-) and put it on a small kids plate. He poured juice into a sippy cup, and placed both the plate and sippy cup onto the highchairs built in table. 

  As Kickin hand-fed Rocky, Bubba stired slightly and woke up. He sat up and stretched as he walked to where he smelled food. He saw Kickin feeding Rocky and waited for him to finish. When Kickin did finish, and lifted Rocky up, he placed Rocky on his play carpet. The carpet was designed with a rainbow and all kinds of animals running around a pastel color palette. Rocky's toys were on and around the play carpet, so it would keep him distracted for a while.

  As Kickin watches Rocky fiddle with is toys, Bubba walks up and hugs him from behind, giving him kisses on the cheek and neck.

"Morning love bird..." Bubba muttered, still slightly tired.

"Morning bubs." Kickin said withna slight chuckle, getting Rockys attention.

Rocky began to babble, with a smile on his face as he stared at his two homo fathers. But this time..Rocky babbled more then usual, as if he was trying to say something. After a couple minutes of Rocky's babbles and coos, he started to sound something out.

He was gonna say his first word!

Bubba let go of Kickin and watched Rocky, with Kickin doing the same. They watched with anticipation and awe, eagerly watching and waiting for him to say what he had too. They didn't Care what word he would say, since they would be happy with whatever and be proud that he was even able to do it.

After a while of struggle, Rocky finally said his first word.

"M-Mama! Papa!" Rocky shouted, holding up one of his toys as he did so.

Kickin and Bubbas Jaws dropped so low, you would think they would make it down to hell. They thought Rocky would say one word, but he said 2!

Technically his first word was Mama and Papa was the second, but still. Wait...Mama? Rocky called Kickin Mama! Bubba smirked at Kickin and decided to tease him a bit.

"Mama huh?" Bubba teased, watching Kickins face go bright red before he covered it.

"Sh-shut up Bubba!" Kickin clucked with his face still covered.

"Whats wrong Mama bird~?" Bubba whispered in Kickins ear as he held Kickins waist, holding him close. Kickins face flushed at the nickname, and he buried his face into Bubbas muscular chest. Rocky crawled over and hugged Bubbas leg shouting Papa, while he smacks Bubbas leg.

The smacks didn't hurt, since..well..its Bubba, and a babys tiny hand. Rocky nibble on Bubbas leg, but Bubba was unfazed the whole time. Bubba kissed Kickins forehead and let him go. Bubba looked down at Rocky with a slight grin.

"Rocky quit biting your old man." Bubba chuckled as he wrapped his tail around Rockys waist and lifted him up into his arms. Kickin saw Rocky in bubbas hands and smiled, taking his face out of Bubbas boing-boings.

Rocky tugged on Bubbas trunk, giggling as he did so. Bubbas trunk curled slightly around Rockys tiny hand, as Kickin watched while chuckling slightly. 

Rocky was only 1, and talking before he could even walk. Shocking right? Bubba was also surpised, but didn't mind it at all, same with Kickin. But either way, they were happy that their little chick was growing up.

(729 words)

This took a lil while, but I hope this keeps yall busy while I work in my other books. I'm glad yall love this book, this is one of favorite ones, but I do also like my newest one "Honey and Coffee" check it out if you haven't all ready!

☆My Only Love☆ |Enemies to Lovers (Bubba x Kickin)Where stories live. Discover now