We should, shouldn't we...

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  She shoots up from her bed, her hair flat over her face, "What, V!" She looks over at her window, unlocking it and opening it. V quickly flies in and lands on the ground next to her bed.

 "So... I was thinking." She sits down at Y/N's desk chair, "We're angels, we're dead, we have the ability to go down to earth whenever we desire... Right?"

 Y/N sits up on the edge of her bed, stretching her wings out, "Ya? All of that is pretty obvious."

 "Rude. But! What if, you and me go down to earth and have a bit of fun? You know- Go to a club, a bar, get drunk, find hot guys and get laid?"

 Y/N freezes, "V, have you lost your mind? We're angels, we're holy, we work under the eye of God! If we do any of that do you know how much trouble we'll get in?!"

"Yeah...You're right...What was I thinking?!" V and Y/N sit staring at each other for a minute before V sighs, "We should, shouldn't we?"

 Y/N sighs, "Yea, we should..."


 The two walk to the gate, Y/N nervously picks at her fingers, the gate worker turns to them, "Reason of leaving?" He asks.

 "To watch over family." V answers, it was clearly a lie, but hey, he didn't need to know that.

 "Human form or invisible form?" He asks as he writes in a book.

 "Human form. uh- please-" I answer back.

 "Keep wings, yes or no?"

 "Yes, sir!" V is quick to respond.

 He writes in the book and the gate opens, "You must return by 12 am." We both nod and fly out and down to the land below.

 Once we land our wings are quick to retract, forming into our backs into what looks like what most humans bodies have, tattoos. The two grab a hold of each others hands and run off to the quickest bar, walking in.

 Of course before flying down the two had put on pretty clothes, they wanted to attract men, not make them think they were nuns. V wore a tight sleeveless turtle neck, many silver bracelets and necklaces, black cargo pants that she had clipped a few chains onto, and she had her hair in a messy bun with a few clips and pins in to make sure it stays in place. Y/N was wearing a baggy shirt that hung over one shoulder, a small ruffly shirt, tights that had a few holes in them, she had a choker on with a few gold necklaces, some silver and gold bracelets, and her hair was down some strands being braided with some gold jewelry in. Both had simple black eye makeup and lipgloss on.

 Y/N and V sit down and order a few shots, they turn to each other and pick one up each, taking a deep breath before doing a small cheers and gulping down their first ever bit of alcohol. It left a weird taste on both of their tongues and was definitely weird, but neither of them minded it so they were quick to gulp down the rest. After a few more shots, her head was starting to hurt, guess that's a part of being drunk, huh?

  V turns to her and whispers, "There's this group of guys on the opposite side and they're all so damn fine." Y/N looks up and sees a group of five boys, and she wasn't lying, they were hot. Y/N notices one looking at her so she quickly looks away and back to V who was smirking at her. "That one with the curly hair is cute as heck."

 "The one who looks like he was forced to join the group?"

 "Yea~" She puts her hand under her chin, she does that thing that Disney princesses do when they daydream, she looks so dumb.

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