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 Y/N woke up with a pounding sensation in her head, she sat up and looked around. The room she was in was really unfamiliar, it was really gothic and had a lot of black in it. But hey, it was pretty. She climbs over V's sleeping body and off of the bed, she lets her wings out and stretches them out, she goes to the attached bathroom and looks at herself. Damn, she looks terrible. 

 V walks into the doorway, her wings out too, she had the same idea, "Sleep well?"

 "Honestly? Yea, I really did." She turns to her.

 "Ya. That bed was so good, I want to stay here forever."

 "Where are we?"

 "Oh, we're in-" A knock on the door cuts her off. She pulls her wings back into a tattoo and opens the door, not even giving Y/N a chance to pull hers back.

 "Hey, V, you should probably get going before Sister comes to- what the hell-" Rain speaks from the door. Y/N slams the bathroom door shut and locks it, crap- did he see the wings?!

 After a few moments of hearing V and Rain whisper to each other there's a knock on the bathroom door, "Hey- what was her name- Y/N! Please come out, I saw the wings, but it doesn't matter... we need to talk." She cracks the door and nods. "There's a lady and she's very important here and if she notices that you're here, and the fact your angels, she'll kill me and the other gho- guys..."

 "Wait, why? I thought this was a church?" V asks with confusion.

 "Not the kind of church some angel wants to be at. But that doesn't matter... You two. Out. Quickly."

 The two girls grab their stuff and walk out the door, wings retracted. Just  as they were crossing the corner, V and Y/N bumped into someone, and they automatically felt a TERRIBLE and EVIL presence from it. When they looked up, the lady was giving them the same look they were giving her.

 "Shit..." Rain mumbles behind them.

 The woman turns to Rain and basically yells at him, "Angels?! WHY ARE THERE ANGELS?!" Okay, she was 100% yelling at him. And while they yelled, Y/N was  frozen, not knowing when to do, V had snuck out the door and left, not noticing that Y/N hadn't followed, that was, till she was already up in the clouds and in front of the gate, crap.

 "OMEGA!!" The woman yells, a yelp coming from the direction she called to.

 "NO! Nonononono! Don't kill the-" He looks over and notices V is gone, "Uh- Don't kill- her!" She was confused why he said she and that's when Y/N noticed V was gone and she felt like she was gonna die right in that moment. "Please! We can keep her! Pet? Slave? Toy?" He offers, Y/N stares at him in shock, "Me and the others can keep her in the den, keep her in line!"

 Sister is silent for a bit and turns to the hall again, "NEVER MIND OMEGA!" She turns back to them, pointing at Y/N, "You. Come with me. You can join this Sad excuse of a water ghoul after I make sure you know who you are in this church."

"Wait wha-" Before she could even respond, she grabbed her arm and yanked her away from Rain, he just stood there and watched them go.


 "Do I need that..." I ask as she clamps on these metal rings on the base of my wings. I know what their for, to keep me from retracting them.

 "Yes. I need everyone to know how despicable you are." she says as she grabs my ankle and clamps on something that looks like an ankle monitor. "This is to make sure you don't run or fly away. We own you now"

 "Is the dress necessary?" She had dressed Y/N into a completely plain, knee length, sleeveless dress. Something a child would imagine an angel wearing.

 "It's to make you look plain." She says as she starts to brush her hair.

 "Why are you brushing my hair?" 

 "So you atleast look a tad bit presentable.


 Once she was done with her hair, she grabs what looks like a shock collar and ties it around her neck, she picks up a remote and leash, putting the leash onto the collar and dragging her out. After a few minutes, she arrives at a door and knocks harshly on it. It's opened moments later and Y/N is immediately thrown to the floor of the room, she clicks the remote on and tosses it to the floor next to the now crying and shaking Y/N.

 Rain runs over and quickly turns the collar off, he brings her against his chest and looks up at the other ghouls.

 "What..." Aether starts.

 "The..." Swiss continues.

 "Fuck..." Sodo finishes.

 "Is she okay?" Sunshine comes over and kneels down next to Rain.

 "Who is she?" Cirrus asks as she comes over to her other side to look at her wings.

 "Is she a real angel?" Cumulus asks as she sits next to Cirrus.

 Mountain stands behind Rain, "Where's the other girl?"

 Rain looks up, "She ran away, without her, and she didn't look back."

 "Shit..." Mountain kneels down and rubs Rain's shoulder.

 "So I don't want to seem like that guy, but Imperator wants us to keep her like a pet- so- who wants her?" Swiss asks?

 "ME!" Sodo, Rain, and Cirrus say all at once.

 "Can only be one." Aether chuckles.

 "ME." Sodo and Rain say at the same time, Cirrus had given up.

 "Guys... It's only who she gets to share a room with-"

 "It should be me. She trusts me the most." Rain argues.

 "So? I want her." Sodo argues back.

 "I want him..." Y/N points up at Rain, and Rain smirks at Sodo who crosses his arms and grumbles.

 "Damn. I thought we had something." He huffs.

 "Dude. She was probably drunk- I mean, you were hammered." Swiss chuckles.

 "NUH-UH!" Sodo turns his whole body to him, getting in his face.

"THE FUCK YOU MEAN, NUH-UH!?" Swiss turns his body to him and puts his forehead to his.

"The fuck?" Y/N whispers.


Word count:1038

(I am making this a slow burn, my brothers Idea! Also, I don't think I'll add stuff for V alot after this point, just some flashbacks and text messages. ALSO! BEFORE I WRITE MORE TO THIS STORY! THERE WILL BE MY SHIPS IN IT SO IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEM, sorry:
Mountain x Rain
Cirrus x Cumulus
slight Aether x Copia
slight Terzo x Omega
My other ships wouldn't make sense in this story, so that's all for this one! No hate)


JACQUI!!!!!!!!! <3333333333333333

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