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 "Oh ya-" He grunts, moving faster, causing whines to come from her throat, "How's that? Huh?"

 She nods, "Fuck- good- so good!"

 He leans down, whispering in her ear. "More?"

 "Yes! Yes please, more!"

 Everything speeds up and it feels so good...


 She shoots up, breathing heavily, looking around. Okay- same room- same floor- same bed- same boy in the bed- same snores- same walls- same fish tank- okay...good...

 It's been a week since she's become the ghouls 'pet', and since then, she's been having these same vivid dreams, she sees out of her eyes and she feels everything, but she can never make out the figure above her, but in these dreams, she feels like she knows him.

 She stands up from the floor and stretches walking to the door and opening it, stepping out and closing it behind her. She walks to the kitchen and finds Cumulus working on breakfast. "Hello, our little angel! I already made you a plate, just the way you like it! Three, regular, strawberries and blueberries!"

 "Thank you, Cumulus..." She sits down at the counter and puts her hands together to pray. Cumulus pauses her cooking and watches and she bows her head and whispers. "Thank you Heavenly Father, for the food on my plate and all that you provide for me, amen." She puts her hands down and looks up to see Cumulus looking at her.



 "Eat, girl-" She shakes her head and goes back to cooking. Y/N picks up her fork and takes a bite of her pancakes, God, they were perfect. She eats her food, halfway through, she feels arms wrap around her, when she looks behind her, she sees Rain. "Morning, Rainy!"

 "G'mornin' N/N." He places a gentle kiss to her temple and sits down next to her, Cumulus passes him a plate, specially made for him, and he dig in after giving a quick thank you.

 Y/N looks down the hall, normally when Rain wakes up it's due to having been woken up by a text from Mountain, and the two normally walk down together, but he wasn't down yet.

 "How you feelin', Rain? I heard it doesn't affect water ghouls till the day of." Cumulus asks as she works on the others plates.

 "Ya, it's kinda just like a little tingle, then the day of it turns into a big sensation." He responds.

 Y/N gets up and walks to the hall entrence, she stands there for a bit and sniffs, turning back to Cumulus and Rain. "It smells different-"

 "Ya- Tis the season, as they say!" Cumulus shrugs.

 "Cumulus, that's Christmas." Rain responds.


 Rain shakes his head, "Don't worry about it too much, you and Sunny are going into town later today, with permission from Sister Imperator, and you're gonna grab some stuff to help with when it gets really bad!"

 Cumulus snorts, "What? Like a bunch of dildos?"

 "I don't know dude- It's different for each type and some have mates to help-" Rain takes a bite of his food.

 "SHUT UP!" Y/N sighs. "What.Is.Happening."

 "It's the moon, during December, ghoul instincts kick in and we all kinda go feral, but not in a blood thirsty killing kind of way, more like a- sex kind of way. If a ghoul has a mate, it's easier because they'll both automatically know how to help eachother, but if a ghoul has no mate, it's usually during this when they do get a mate. I got my mate before the moon but lil Raindrop over here got his mate during last years moon!" Cumulus explains.

 "Shut up..." Rain hides his face and bites his food.

 "He has a mate?" Y/N asks as she tilts her head.

  Cumulus nods and walks to Rain, "During the mating process they get marked, usually the bottoms, and it stays forever, unless your mate dies! Mine is on my wrist, while Rain over here has his right here!" She lifts his shirt to reveal a bite mark on his side, it looks new, but from what Y/N learned, it definitely wasn't. "Ohhh, just look at it! So cute! You can see his lil fang spots!"

 "Cumulus, stop, she doesn't even know who my mate is ye-" Rain gets cut off.

 "PAUUUUUUSE! WAIT A MINUUUUUUUUTE! 'During the mating process they get marked, usually the bottoms-" RAIN! RAIN DROP! RAINBOW! RAINY! YOU TAKE BACKSHOTS?!?!?" Y/N yells, they whole ghouls den going quiet, all the doors down the hall open and all the other ghouls run to where Y/N and Rain are staring wide-eyed at each other. "WHAT TYPE!? WHO!? HOW BIG!? HOW WIDE!?"

 Rain hides his face, Cirrus and Mountain go over to him to joke with him while Swiss and Sodo drag Y/N down the hall, kidnapper style- full on hand over the mouth.

  "What the fuck-" She turns to the two.

 "They explained mates to you?" Swiss asks.


 "They explained the moon too?" Sodo asks.


 "You and Sunny are going to the store later, right?" Swiss asks.


 "Can I make an order?" Sodo asks.

 "Me too?" Swiss adds.


 Sodo rushes out of the room to his and comes back with a piece of paper, handing it to her, she puts it in her pocket and turns to Swiss.

 "All I want is condoms, dude- Why do you have a whole list- OH! Is that-" Sodo smacks him, letting out a small, 'shut up'. Y/N turns to leave and Swiss grabs her, "Uh- Stay? We can play Mario Kart! We can all sit on my bed!"

 She thinks for a bit before nodding in agreement.


 The three were in their ninth re-match, the sun had started to set and they were all in a comfy position, Y/N was sitting on Swiss's bed with her back to the wall, Swiss had his head on her lap, and Sodo was leaning against her side, one wing around Sodo and the other over Swiss like a blanket. They were about to all cross the finish line, they were all tied, 3:3:3. Just as Sodo was about to cross the finish line, on his last lap, they were all shaken when the door slammed open.

 "Kay boys. I'm stealing out angle from you." Sunshine says as she puts her hand on her hip and walks in.

 "Noooooo!" They both whine, Swiss wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his head into her thighs, Sodo holding her tightly against his chest.

 "Hand her over. Me and her gotta go into town. Yall want condoms or not. The two let go and sit up straight, "Thought so. C'mon angel! Let's go!"

 "My wings-"

 Sunshine grabs her and puts a key into the key holes, the circles falling off her wings to the floor, "You're keeping the collar on though, just in case- anyway- Let's go!"


Word count:1143

(Slow burn is turning into friends to lovers... I gotta fix that some how.... hmmmmm, trauma?! Moon=Sex btw, I'm gonna cry when I gotta wright that eventually...)


JACQUI!!!!!!!!! <3333333333333333

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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