Chapter Fifteen

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*Bonus updated!! Thanks for being such dedicated readers @-urbestienova- and @MatteaMay24! Love you both!!*

TW: Gore and death

She was only a child, five or six at most, when the darts rained down. The humid Georgia air tugged at her unruly curls as she and her older brother jumped on their trampoline. The little girl erupted in laughter as the boy, JJ, bounced her high into the air. She felt like she was flying, practically on top of the world.

She stared up at the sky as she flew and her eye caught on a Berg flying a little lower than usual. The girl's curiosity piqued, but she had little time to dwell on the thought.

The air swished around her as the earth beckoned her back to the ground. She bounced on the trampoline's warm surface and turned to ask her brother why the Berg was getting so close. Was Daddy coming to take them for a ride? She thought she'd remember that. The girl loved when her father would let them tag along for a little fun after he finished up work, but as the machine flew even lower, she saw that it was not Daddy in the pilot's seat.

The boy followed her gaze. The jumping ceased as the siblings stared up at the sky, oblivious to what was coming.

"Momma?" The girl's oldest brother called to their mother who knelt at the garden, picking weeds.

The woman looked over and removed her headphones. Immediately, the loud whooshing of the Berg hit her ears. She screamed to her children to get inside the house, but her voice was carried off by the wind.

A man clothed entirely in black leaned out of the Berg. It was way too hot for that kind of outfit, the girl that. Silly. He held something up to his lips that vaguely resembled a clarinet like the one JJ had begrudgingly played once.

A whoosh of air and a thunk sounded in her ears. The silver needle pricked her forearm and she fell onto her bottom, startled by the unexpected pain. The girl cried out in alarm for her mother and yanked the dart free of her skin, tears falling down her cheeks. JJ crouched down beside her and tilted his neck to the sky, screaming all three of the curse words he knew at the Berg.

"Novie!" Her momma cried, rushing to the little girl's side. "Get inside! Quickly!"

The family ran for the house, Novie stumbling along behind them while her body shook from sobs. Another thunk sounded and JJ crumpled in the grass. Their mother screamed again and scooped her arms under her son's to drag him to the house. The little girl cried harder, terrified.


Thea awoke with a start, bolting forward only to be held back by straps on her arms, legs, and torso. Her vision was distorted, along with the rest of her senses, but she vaguely made out the silhouettes of two, maybe five, boys? She fought against their hands that pushed her back down onto the bed when all she wanted to do was leap off it and run until her legs turned to noodles.

"Another dose!" A voice called. Thea whipped her head to see the speaker, but the boy's face blurred and spun with the world.

Thea's eyes locked on a silver needle.

"No!" She screamed as the needle moved to her forearm, the same spot as the dart had pierced her skin in the dream. "Get off me!"

The needle made contact and cold liquid coursed through her veins. Thea screamed like a feral animal. Her heart pounded within her chest, pumping the poison to every part of her body. The drug worked fast, pulling her under into oblivion in seconds, and the visions started up again.


Novie trembled behind the couch, peering around the worn out corners to watch her father try to tame JJ. After the Berg had come, he hadn't been acting normal at all. His eyes had turned bloodshot and when he got too upset, black foam spilled from his mouth.

JJ screamed at Daddy and threw anything within reach at him; cups, books, even the TV remote. Daddy ducked beneath them all and demanded, "Justin, you stop this nonsense at once!"

Momma pulled Novie into her chest and whispered soothing words to her as if it would do anything to help.

Next, JJ threw the toaster. Daddy ducked, but it hit him on the forehead and sent him to the floor. Momma let out a strangled gasp and flew from her hiding place to Daddy's side. Blood gushed from the wound. Novie covered her eyes, but it was too late. The image was already burned into her brain.

JJ faltered, a salt shaker in hand. He whipped around and his eyes landed on Novie, shaking with silent cries on the floor. Her brother panted, that wild look still in his eyes, and then fled out the front door. Novie was too afraid to follow.

When she finally dared look up, Novie saw her mother on her knees. She knelt over Daddy and sobbed onto his chest, whispering please over and over again. There was so much blood. It soaked into Mommy's favorite sundress, but she didn't seem to care.

On shaking legs, the little girl crept out of her hiding place and stood behind her mother. Bile rose in her throat.

Daddy's eyes were closed and his black hair was matted and sticky with blood. His chest rose unevenly and his breaths were weak puffs through his mouth. The toaster lay on its side next to him where it had rolled to a stop after making impact. Novie put a tiny hand on her mother's still trembling shoulder and bit her lip.

"G- go to your room, Novalee, my sweet," Momma whispered without looking up. "Daddy wouldn't want you to see this."

So she did. But after that, she didn't see Daddy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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