Chapter Thirty-Three (New Story) *I have to tell you something*

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A/N: This story was requested Luella125 :)

Levi and Tamara have been together for 3 years, and things were going well
They were on a date sitting at the beach enjoying the sunset
Tamara: it's getting late. I should go. I had a really nice time with you, Levi
They kiss
They get up
Tamara hugs Levi
Tamara: Bye
Levi stands there for a minute, wondering if he should ask her
He decided to go for it
Levi: Tamara, wait!!!
Tamara turns around to see him on one knee
Tamara runs back to him
Levi: I love you, Tam, and I know we are only in our 20s, but I don't want to waste anymore time. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you, Tamara. Will you marry me?
Tamara: Oh my gosh. Yes!
Levi: Really?
Tamara: Yes! Where are you expecting me to say, no?
She giggles
Levi: kinda
Tamara: Oh my gosh
They laugh
Tamara hugs him
Levi: I love you
Tamara: I love you too. Ok, I have to go tell Lucy!
Levi: I have to go tell parents!
Tamara: ok. I'll see my fiance tomorrow, then?
Tamara giggles, saying that
Levi: Yes!
They hug and then leave
At Lucy's apartment
Lucy is sitting on the couch thinking about her and Tim's breakup for the millionth time
She hears continuous loud knocking
Lucy jumps up and heads for the door, thinking someone could hurt or in danger
She opens it
Tamara just walks in
Lucy: Tam. Are you okay?
Tamara: I'm great. I have to tell you something, though
Lucy: ok? What?
Tamara: Levi proposed!
Lucy:WHAT!!? your only 20!
Tamara: So? I love him
Lucy: Well, if you're happy, I'm happy
Tamara: I'm happy
Lucy: Good
They hug

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