Being in a friend is weird...

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(I took the photo)

So friend groups.

This happens when a bunch of people come together and decided that they like each other enough to start hanging out with each other. I was apart of many but the biggest one I was in was when I was a senior in high school. So two years ago. YES I AM OLD 😭😭

But anyways. I was in a really great friend group.
E - the funny goofy guy
DJ - Elder sister of the twins
LJ - younger sister of the twins
H - My best girl friend
G - My best guy friend and at that time crush.
Lastly, me. M.

Now that it's been two years. We all kinda grew apart. E went to a collehe that was 3 hours away. DJ went to the same college but were in different majors. LJ went and became my roommate. H didn't go far so we're still pretty tight. G went 3 hours away as well but different college from E and DJ.

Now let's give you the update.

I don't talk to E anymore but I still consider him a great friend.

DJ went to my college but dropped out. She decided that she's going to go to nursing school.

LJ was kicked out because she was unable to pay out of pocket. The college actually did her dirty. She was told to turn her papers in a certain day and she did but then they decided to tel her to pay the fee and she didn't have that money so I let her stay in my dorm the remainder of the summer. Now, let's just say that she's currently cookin a bun in the oven. If you know what I mean.

H is the one I mentioned last chapter. She's getting married and I am the maid of honor! She's getting married next year! She's looking at wedding dresses while her older sister is salty because she's, H, is getting married before she, the older sister, is. Sooo that's fun. Which if anyone has any suggestions for a bridesmaid dress send me a link!!

G. Oh G. He was my bestest best friend. Last year we decided that we were going to give "us" a try. Yea it didn't work out. Let say that we never even crossed over the boundaries of friend. We were friends with a title. I did give him a hard time of how he asked me but that's just how I am 🤷‍♀️ Anyhoozers, long story short. He didn't like that I didn't appreciate him enough so we got into an argument and he said that he was stepping away from our friendship to "better his peace" so he could "come back and give me his all". He said that this doesn't dictate how he was gonna feel in a week. A week later he apologized and it was a half-ass one. He did good in the first part and then he ended it with a "I just needed to get this burden off my chest". It's safe to say that I don't talk to him anymore. Sadly, I need to make up with him because of LJ's new development and she wants to get the old gang back together. Also H's wedding! He's going to be in it.

That leaves you with me. M. Or Mae of you will. I've been dealing with family medical issues. I don't remember if I mentions anything but this is what's been going on. My mom had a tumor the size of a walnut in her brain. It was pressing up against her brain stem which caused her to be uncoordinated.  She threw up a lot. She got sick back in December. Started throwing up maybe a week or two before Christmas. We didn't understand what was going on until January 20-24. Around there. They flew down to where my aunt lives and got the help she needed. Ya know. If she didn't do that surgery, she only had 4 months to live. After all of this, G had the nerve to say that I didn't appreciate enough. Yea...that made me really mad. Imagine. You're mother going through all of this and then your best friend was like yea you should have done more for me. Uhm who was there when you were crying about not getting into the program you wanted? Who always asked "how are you" or "are you okay" whenever I knew you were sad. Who fed you. Who picked up after you. Who always told you to clean up after yourself. Me. I did that. Okay so yea anyways that's the reason why I'm not really friends with him anymore. Sorry there's more. After a couple months of mom being back. She got better but then maybe a month and a half ago. She started not feeling good. She became nausea once again and she started throwing up again. We got a CAT scan. Her tumor was growing back. We now have to go travel down to where my aunt lives and get it radiated. So yea. That's what's been going on.

So it's funny how a friend group works. Ours became 5. Then 4. Then 3. Finally 2. Then 1.

I'm still friends with most of em. It's just not all together. I hang out with them separately. So yeaaaa.

So now it's
E - the guy we can never get a hold of
DJ - The one that's gonna go to medical school
LJ - the one that's pregnant
H - Getting married
G - don't really know
M (me) - The one that is overwhelmed with lots to do but has no motivation to do

Also! Anyone have any idea to calm down a 20 year old pregnant lady 😀 I've been trying my best and I think I've been doing good but if anyone got any advice. I'll take it.

Thanks for listening to my Ted talk.

Also! Any ideas for like bachelorette party or  a bridal shower or I guess now a baby shower as well. Please let me know!!

Also bridesmaid dresses as well. 

Mae out. ✌️

May (hehe) God bless you all!

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