i - a boy

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I don't want just any kind of boy
I want a boy who laughs at my jokes
and calls me pretty
I want a boy who buys me flowers
and dances with me in the rain
I want a boy who'd hold me when I cried
Someone who'd consult me when all else fails
I want a boy who's my best friend
And someone to share my secrets with
I want a boy who'd let me be myself
And wouldn't care if I was strange
I want a boy who'd hold my hand
And not be afraid of the hate
I want a boy who's respectful
And stops when I ask
I want a boy who's clingy
But never pushes me too far
I want a boy who's kind
And loves little kids
I want a boy who's nerdy
And likes the things I do
I want a boy who'd hug me
Even if I was upset
I want a boy whose apologies were more than 'I'm sorry.'
I want a boy who'd win my heart and hold it in his hands
As if it was some fragile thing, and wield it gingerly
All I ask for is a boy who'd love me
Against all odds.
God, I'm begging you, please send me my soulmate.
Send me my other half.
I am the rib to a boy out there
I am the future love.
I am the other half to a boy.
I am his best friend
His love
His treasured one
Before we even meet.
Dear future love of my life,
If you read this
This was your 13-year-old girl
Who loved you even though she never knew you.

Avery Austin

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