Tale 0

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The light travels one meter in 0.000000003335640952 seconds, and here, the soulmates are crossing each other's lives in the same seconds. Oh! I know what you are thinking. It is neither the first time nor the last time. It always happens because they choose it. I remember everything, and everything happens for a reason. And Everything is a story of adventure, humour, emotional appeal, and cheerful moments in tales of gravity and entropy, of course, increasing entropy. Today, I am talking about two people who fell in love 56 times with each other with eyes that could tell a million words with just one stare.

The girl with deep black almond-shaped eyes dimples at the end of her cheeks as she smiles. The not-so-fair complexion of her suits well with the gold colour reflecting hues in the sun's radiant glow.

The boy with the sun-kissed glow and the thin line of moustache follows his lips as he smiles. His black almond-shaped eyes sparkle like the stars.

Do you want to dive into the universe of hopes, love and fate? Who wins, love or fate?

She was travelling on the train and so did he. Maybe they travel on the same train with the adjoining seats for the next 12 hours. I like telling prophecies and as well as hiding the secrets within me.

She looks into his deep eyes for the 57th time. They can't stop falling for each other. Everything stopped for a second. There is a saying, " Time and tide wait for none." but my fingers crossed for them as the ultimate author of the universe, the sun, the moon and the stars interspersed the whispers of a new tale in the Big Bang. I could show you incredible things, and phenomenal stories in the tapestry of the planet. All you do is wait for them.

A Quasi-Static Love (P.S- Slow and steady always wins)Where stories live. Discover now