Chapter 2

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Freen arrived at the casino about half an hour after her target. Considering Becky's profession as an agent she would definitely surveil the area before she begins her work, she didn't want her attention early. She would take her time, access the situation, study Becky and then proceed with her job. 

By the time she arrived, Becky was too focused on her poker game, which she assumes is part of her cover and missed Freen's grand entrance. All eyes were on her, but not the pair of eyes she desperately wanted. She headed straight to the bar and sat down where she had direct view of her target. She would always address them as targets as it dissociate her from the kill, Becky wasn't a person she was just an object as far as she cared. 

She ordered a martini and looked over her target, trying to get a read on the brunette. She sat with grace, smiled at the card dealers, made small talk, drew enough attention and interest from fellow players, she even tipped the waiters who brought her drinks, everything about her screamed perfection. But no one is that perfect. After all she was here doing her job just like Freen is. All of this is part of a cover, an identity so created with purpose. She seemed particularly interested in the Russian diplomat sharing the table, and Freen assumed he was probably her intented target or the FBI's. 

Freen can't go to her, that would draw unwanted attention since she was sure the FBI was monitoring everything. So she waited for her opening. It has to be Becky who should approach her. So she waited like a hawk ready for it's prey.

Once she felt she had waited enough she decided it was time for her strike. She placed her empty glass right behind the elbow of a man leaning against the bar next to her, as she anticipated once he pushed up, his elbow knocked the glass down smashing it.

Everyone's eyes shot up, as did her target's and once she was sure Becky's eyes were on her, she put on a full on show. After all she was here to seduce her and she was exceptionally good at that. She crossed one leg over the other, her short dress riding further up her thigh. She could practically feel the gaze searing into her skin as the target's eyes travelled with Freen's hand from her thigh, caressing her body, and finishing at her neck. It was only for a second, and then she leaned over the bar to direct the bartender to the glass; there it is, eyes straight to her ass.

Freen sat back on her stool and turned towards her target, their eyes locked for less than a second. The mark looked down avoiding eye contact. When Becky looked back up, it was Freen's turn, her eyes dropping to her drink. She had to play this the right way; if she came across as too confident, she would scare the target, and this required a delicate hand.

After some time, she saw the Russian diplomat being escorted away, Freen suspected Becky's job was done, but once she looked over to where the target was, she couldn't find her there anymore. A sudden panic came rushing to her, "Good evening." Someone said in her ear. Freen startled, turning into the woman causing her to spill her drink all over Freen. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry!" The target grabbed some napkins from the bar, dabbing at her. Becky without much thought started dabbing at Freen's chest, Freen cleared her throat and the brunette looked up realizing what she was doing and immediately backed off as if she was burned. 

Freen looked at her amused, she highly doubted the person infront of her was a spy,  let alone an agent. Becky was different, she realized. She seemed kind, interesting and innocent. She was charming and polite. If it wasn't for her job, she wouldn't mind spending a night or two with this goddess. 

"I really am sorry." Becky said fidgeting with her fingers.

"It's fine, It's just a dress." Freen said, with thick British accent that was part of her cover. Becky seemed surprised for a minute before she regained her composure.

"Can I buy you a drink to make up for it?" Becky asked fidgeting again, she smiled, almost a nervous smile. Becky was so endearing. It's a shame she has to die.

"I appreciate the thought, but actually I was gonna go. Call it a night." Freen smiled apologetically. Never make it seem easy.

"Can't you stay a little longer?" 

"I can't." Freen whispered leaning in and stroking Becky's jaw. It was too intimate, but she had to take the risk. She wanted to leave her yearning for more. Then she took off.

She slipped away into the cold night, but then she heard someone running behind her.

"Wait!" She stopped and turned around, allowing Becky to catch up with her.

"You don’t give up, do you?" Becky shook her head, grinning.

"When I came outside I saw you walking alone, It's late and it's dangerous. I couldn't allow you to walk home alone." Becky said offering her arm, honestly she had no idea what she was doing.

Freen narrowed her eyes, slightly smirking before she looped her hands through Becky's.

Becky had sealed her fate by walking right into her trap. Now all that's left is to finish the job.

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