Chapter 5

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Freen waits with the patience of an ambush predator.

She knows this, the hunt, she knows it well. It's etched into her being, to every fiber of her DNA.

But this time, it was different. She never let her victims slip through the cracks. She always finished the job. Yet this time she couldn't. Her ego should be bruised. And it is bruised by the stubborn, arrogant FBI agent lying inside a hospital room in this enormous building that right now stood before her.

Her universe narrowed down to one spot, one person, Becky Armstrong. She hears nothing else, sees nothing else.

This dance with Becky has awakened her. Has cut through her like a sharp razor, making her painfully aware of every part of herself that she'd forgotten spending half asleep, killing over and over and feeling nothing. But now, on this busy streets of New York where people go about their own lives without a worry of another, right now she is wide awake.

She will thank Becky for this, this second coming of Freen. Will thank her with a knife sliding below her ribs and fingers laced around her throat. There is no greater gift. But not right now. She will wait. She will abide her time.

This is the moment. The longer she waits, the more likely it is something will go wrong. She takes a deep breath.

Becky opens her eyes when the door to her room snaps shut. A figure stood at the door, the painkillers were wearing her out, it takes Becky a minute to adjust her vision.


She steps close to Becky, their eyes lock. Becky's hands fly to the panic button right by her bed.

"Don't push it!"

Becky's movement momentarily lapse, Freen steps forward, It's dangerous, being this close to the agent.

"Don't." Freen warns again, before becky  could make a move, Freen grabs her hand and places another over her mouth.

"Help me! Help!" Becky's muffled attempts of outcry goes unheard.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Freen promises, their eyes holding an intensity never felt before. In a desperate attempt Becky's teeth sinks into the blonde's flesh.

"Damn it!" Freen cries out as her other hand make it's way round Becky's neck, depriving her of air, choking her life out.

"Stop it! Stop screaming at
me! I'm not going to hurt you!"

Becky's eyes widen, her lungs ready to burst, "You're hurting me."

"Stop screaming and I'll let go." And Freen does let her go, once she realises Becky is no longer struggling against her.

"What do you want?" Becky spat, her voice too raspy from the struggle, having lost its usual dominance.

"I just wanted to see you." Freen says, calm and level and intrigue in her voice.

"Why? Came to admire your work?" Becky calls out, hoping to needle Freen, get back a tiny foothold against her.

Freen laughs, "Oh trust me sweetheart, my work ends up in a totally different ward, down in the mortuary." She says smugly.

"Did you come here to gloat?"

Freen throws her hands up in the air in surrender, "I just want to talk."

"Fuck you!!"

"You did that already. Or do you want another round?" Freen smirks.

"In your dreams."

"Already dreaming about me, agent?"

Freen's smile is fake, she's practically sneering and Becky can tell she's trying to provoke her. This will be fun.

"Shut up!"

Freen gives an exaggerated pout.

"Can't. I came to talk remember?"

Becky doesn't give her time to get smug, "About what?"

"I need you to keep your mouth shut."

Becky looks at her questioningly. Freen wasn't making any sense, one minute she wanted to talk and the next she doesn't. She truly is a psychopath.

Freen shrugs, "No I mean literally, about everything that happened between us last night."


"Because I don't want you running your mouth to your superiors and it getting back to my bosses."

Becky huffs in annoyance,  "Are you scared they will find out you fucked me? How many people have you fucked just to kill them afterwards?"

"None, I don't have to. A flutter of my lashes, and they will be on their knees for me. Easy kill." Freen laughed.

"That flutter didn't do it for you with me?" Becky smirks, willing her voice not to waiver, not to crack.

"Well you tell me agent, did it?" Freen asks leaning into Becky's personal space.

"Get lost!" The agent clenched her jaw.

"That arrogance isn't going to get you far." Freen reiterated the words Becky had said last night.

Well two can play a game.

Becky leaned in smirking at the blonde, "Maybe not, but you like the arrogance."

Freen shudders. The proximity suffocating her, she leans back, "Do we have a deal, agent?"

She receives no response, and the smug look on Becky's face annoys her, her hand found it's way back around Becky's neck, squeezing just a little, as if to prove who holds the cards, if Becky doesn't realize that, Freen was ready to prove it, "I said do we have a deal?" She growls.

"Do you have a choking kink or something?"

"But you like it agent. You like it rough. You like someone taking control over you, don't you?" Freen smirks.

Becky doesn't answer, she doesn't waiver. Her eyes are locked with Freen's, like she's hypnotized, like they're hypnotizing each other. 

"What? Not going to beg this time?" Freen provokes.

"I know that you want to kill me, that it thrills you in a way you've been missing. And I know, one day, you'll probably succeed and finish the job and it will feel just like you'd imagined." Becky takes a deep breath, steels herself.

"But I also know that day is not today."

Freen blinks. Her eyebrows twitch and only then does she look down and see the gun in Becky's hand, pointed at her stomach.

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