Chapter 3 (18+)

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Almost half an hour walk was mostly spent in silence, neither of them opening their mouth to say anything. 

"This is me." Freen announced as soon as a hotel came into view. It was pretty decent. Not extravagant nor too crappy.

"You're staying at a hotel?"

"Well I'm here on business."

"Oh!" Becky says taking note of the accent again. She was obviously not from around here.

"It was nice meeting you..." Freen says extending her arm out to Becky.

"Becky." She says shaking her hand.

"Freen." Freen slightly flinches at herself for giving her name away. It was a slip. A slip she never made. A slip that could be deadly. It never happened to her. She doesn't mess up. What was it about Becky that made everything different?

"Why don't you come in?" Freen asked.


"I can always add some pleasure to my business." She smirked.

Becky seemed to think it over, so Freen spoke again, "I have eyes, you know? It doesn't take a genius to guess that you didn't walk me all the way over here just to ensure my safety. So, what do you want from me?"

"You. I just want you, just for one night." Becky kept eye contact with Freen, her voice was barely a whisper. They were so close, their lips almost touching.

"That settles it then. My knight in shining armour, would you mind joining me for a wonderful night?"

"It would be my honor." They chuckled before going in together.

"Scotch?" Freen offered. Becky accepted the glass and sat down in one of the armchairs.

"Come here." Becky drew her closer by grabbing her hands, and Freen straddled her lap, one knee on either side of her hips. She brushed her hair back, away from her chest, leaving it exposed to Becky's hungry gaze.

"So what do you do, Becky?" The question surprised Becky as Freen caught the sudden flinch, it was so subtle that Freen wouldn't even catch it if she wasn't that good at reading people.

"I work for the government."

"Are you high up in government or something?" Freen tilted her head to the side questioningly and rubbed her hands up Becky's chest.

"Something, like that," Becky said, reaching up to move a strand of hair that wasn't even there behind her ear, but Freen caught the nervous twitch. Interesting, she was technically bluffing, but Freen knew she had to tread carefully.

Becky put a shaky hand on her thigh, almost afraid to touch her. But she'd made a mistake. Freen caught the twitch. Either Becky knew something was off or she was genuinely nervous. Freen wasn't going to take a risk.

She started by undoing Becky's tie, sliding it from her neck. She put her hand on Becky's jaw, stroking the soft skin of her cheek. She brushed her lips against Becky's and then gripped the back of her neck, slamming the knuckles of her right hand into her nose. Not hard enough to break, but her eyes would automatically water, compromising her vision long enough for Freen to take one knee and drive it into her diaphragm, causing her to choke and splutter.

Freen pushed her to her knees on the floor. She stepped behind Becky and used the tie to strangle her. Becky grabbed the tie with both hands, trying to pull it away from her throat. She was still recovering from Freen's early attacks and couldn't overpower her strength. Freen had higher ground and more leverage.

She sputtered. Unable to speak. Soft squeaks escaped her throat, her face turning red from the lack of oxygen.

Becky wrapped her arms around the back of Freen's legs and threw her weight back while pulling Freen's legs from under her.

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