Chapter 4

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Becky awoke the next morning with a pounding headache. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to sit up but failed.

"Whoa! Whoa! Slow down!" A voice said reaching out and slowly guiding her to lie back down.

"Why do I feel like I got run over by a truck?" Becky groans.

Irin chuckles, "Well you definitely look like it."

"Where am I?" Becky squinted her eyes and looked around.

"In the hospital." Irin says amused, before playfully slapping her arm.

"Ouch...that hurts." Becky says glaring at her.

Irin frowns, "It should. What were you thinking? You were supposed to wait for back up. Why did you go after her alone you dumbass?"

"She didn't kill me." Becky whispered suddenly catching up to everything that happened in the last 24 hours.

Irin scoffs, "Seriously that's what you took away from everything that I just said?"

"She knew we were tipped off."

"Then that's why she didn't kill you." Irin said, rolling her eyes.

"Why is that?" Another voice came from the door. They both looked at the intruder to see none other than their best friend standing at the door.

"Hey Luke!" Irin greeted with a smile.

"Hey! I came as soon as I heard. How are you?" Luke said moving towards the bed Becky is in.

"I feel like shit." Becky says sighing.

"Well no kidding!" He sarcastically says looking her over. His eyes roaming the battered and bruised body of Becky. Her face was messed up and he was sure the rest of her body was way worse.

"Back to my question." He tries to change the subject, gulping down the lump forming in his throat. He was scared that he had lost her. Their job of course included danger, but it wasn't every day that a top secret organization sends one of their top assassins to kill you. Becky took it to another level.

"The Fallen are a extremely ruthless organization, they are basically a myth. No one has ever been able to prove their existence. So if we were tipped off and I was killed, then that's basically screaming they are real." Becky says.

"So they won't attempt on your life again?" He asks holding on to his breath.

"I hope so. But they also have a history of never leaving their jobs unfinished."

He sighs, "That's not helping. Atleast you had some action last night."

Becky scoffs sending him daggers, "I'm in a hospital bed and you're teasing me? Some best friend you are."

"Huh?" He asks confused.

Becky looks at Irin now confused herself.

Irin bursts into laughter, "He doesn't know. No one knows. Otherwise you would have a lot of explaining to do."


"Because you're lucky I'm your best friend. I came as fast as I could, I was the one who found you. But no thanks, I have no idea how to get that image out of my head now."

"Sorry I didn't get to put on my clothes before she....." She starts sarcastically, "What did she do to me? What was in that bottle?"

"Tranquilizers, a muscle relaxant. Nothing that could harm you."

"Well that doesn't make me feel any better."

Irin looks at her curiously before smirking, "Anyway whatever you did to her, you did it right."

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