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In the heart of Central City, once renowned as the home of the esteemed hero known as the Flash, a symbol of hope for countless individuals and one of the most revered champions in history, our focus shifts to a different individual entirely.

Amidst the bustling streets of Central City, two vibrant streaks of lightning cut through the air, each possessing its own distinct colour. One streak, a mesmerizing blend of purple and orange, dances with pure radiance. The other, a dark and midnight blue, embodies an aura of mystery and foreboding.

These lightning streaks represent a clash of forces, a cosmic dance between those who wield unimaginable power. One embodies pure light, while the other embodies darkness—a dichotomy of positivity and negativity, good and evil.

As the intense battle unfolds, the windows of the surrounding buildings shatter, bearing witness to the fierce confrontation between two beings of pure electricity and light. On one side stands a woman adorned in purple and white attire, proudly displaying a yellow lightning bolt emblem on her chest. On the opposing side, a man cloaked in black, with a matching lightning bolt symbol adorning his chest.

If one were to listen closely, the crackling of lightning emanates from both combatants—a testament to their roles as hero and villain, protector, and destroyer of Central City.

After a brief moment of confrontation, the hero finds herself struck forcefully in the stomach, momentarily taken aback by the blow. However, she quickly regains her composure and retaliates, launching a jump kick that sends the villain sprawling to the ground. Despite his initial groans of pain, they soon transform into chuckles of amusement. As the hero readies her fist to strike, the villain seizes the opportunity, catching her punch and leveraging her momentum to flip her over, causing her to crash onto the ground. With an imposing presence, he stands triumphantly over her, his body crackling with midnight blue and black lightning, instilling fear in anyone who witnesses his visage.

"We have played this game for far too long. XS, you should have heeded my words and surrendered," he declares with a mixture of disappointment and superiority.

Struggling to rise, the hero receives a forceful kick to her chest, resulting in a disconcerting cracking sound. She cries out in pain, collapsing onto her back. The villain approaches her, lowering himself to her level, locking eyes with her.

"I am truly disappointed in you, XS. I expected you to possess greater intelligence and realize your inferiority. Why do you persist in this futile battle when we both know you can not emerge victorious?"

Defiantly, XS spits in her enemy's face, causing him to recoil in disgust as he wipes away the saliva from his mask.

XS:"I will never cease my pursuit of you. Not now, not ever. I see through your facade, Velocity. You are just like the other villains who must be stopped."

With clenched fists and concealed eyes filled with disdain, Velocity responds before seizing XS by the throat, effortlessly lifting her to eye level.

"HAHAHA! You believe that you can halt my reign, just as countless others have failed before you. You are nothing but a pathetic speck in comparison to me," he taunts, delivering a fierce punch to her gut before forcefully slamming her to the ground. Relinquishing his grip on her, he observes her feeble attempt to rise, only to halt her with his foot pressed against her throat, choking the life out of her.

"XS, it is in your best interest to surrender, for I am Velocity, the fastest man alive, and you are insignificant in my presence!"

He bellows at her before delivering a powerful kick to her chest, propelling her backward. Swiftly, he vanishes into the darkness of the night, leaving XS to grapple with her injuries and determination to bring him down.

-iron heights penitentiary -

The entrance door to the prison swings open, revealing a tall man in his twenties. He strides through the doorway with his dirty blonde hair slicked back and piercing blue eyes scanning the room. As he does, a guard approaches him and hands him a clipboard.

 As he does, a guard approaches him and hands him a clipboard

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(Note You will look like Zoom, but obliviously, Younger)

The guard, clearly exasperated, instructs him to sign the paper. Reluctantly, the man takes the pen and writes down his name: (Y/N) Zolomon Snow. The guard glances at the name for a moment before returning his gaze to the man.

With a hint of suspicion, the guard asks, "You're not planning on busting him out. Are you, Zolomon?"

(Y/N) snorts in response, "Nah, I'm just here to ask him a question about a project I'm working on. I need his advice."

The guard takes the clipboard back and leads (Y/N) down the hallway. As they walk, they pass by prisoners confined to their cells. Eventually, they reach a metal door at the end of the hallway.

The guard warns, "You have five minutes, no more. Do you understand?"

(Y/N) rolls his eyes but nods. The door opens, and he enters the room, with the door closing behind him. Inside, he sees a shadowy figure in a cell. A familiar voice speaks from within.

"It's been a while, my favourite runner," the voice says.

(Y/N) smirks and puts his hands in his jacket pockets. "That's true, but I'm here for your opinion on something."

Eobard emerges from the shadows, making his presence known. (Y/N) approaches the transparent cell, marvelling at the depth of his knowledge and the guidance he provides regarding their abilities.

Eobard challenges, "You have questions... go ahead and ask. I have nothing to hide."

(Y/N) chuckles slightly. "We both know that's a lie, but that's not why I'm here. I need your opinion on a future project of mine."

To be continued

Rise of VelocityWhere stories live. Discover now