chapter 3

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A portal materializes in the heart of a residential area during the late hours of the night, causing the swift and agile Velocity to abruptly come to a stop, dropping the object onto the pavement

A portal materializes in the heart of a residential area during the late hours of the night, causing the swift and agile Velocity to abruptly come to a stop, dropping the object onto the pavement

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Bewildered, he scans his surroundings, his mind filled with uncertainty.

(Where am I, for fuck's sake?)

Coincidentally, a newspaper becomes entangled around his leg, prompting him to crouch down and retrieve it. As he reads the headline, "THE FLASH RETURNS AFTER 6 MONTHS MISSING," his eyes quickly shift to the date. Simultaneously, he removes his mask, revealing a sinister smile.

(Y/N): Well, well, well, isn't this intriguing?

Crushing the newspaper into a ball and casually tossing it over his shoulder, he then taps his wrist, summoning a holographic projection of Gideon before him.

Gideon: Hello, (Y/N)... *glancing around* Oh... it seems we've found ourselves in an unfamiliar setting, quite different from your usual abode.

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm aware. I pursued Xtra small, or whatever her name is, through the speedforce, but somehow ended up *gesturing to his surroundings* here. I have no idea what she's plotting, but I will take great pleasure in knowing that I'll have the opportunity to witness it fail. I need you to locate a secure hideout for me to lay low temporarily.

Gideon: According to my extensive records, it appears that you have landed in the year 2019. Precisely 30 years ahead of our time... Additionally, I have identified a small unoccupied warehouse that could serve as a suitable temporary sanctuary. Allow me to provide you with the warehouse's location...and (Y/N)...Once you find XS?

(Y/N) stood still for a brief moment, contemplating the genuine concern he could sense from her. Despite being an AI, she possessed sentience and emotions.

(Y/N): I'm going to have some fun. Perhaps I'll incapacitate her and bring her back to the future, or maybe I'll eliminate XS. I haven't decided yet. I will devise a plan once I reach the warehouse.

After putting his mask back on, he crouched down and retrieved the object from the floor. Feeling the surge of electricity in his body, he swiftly dashed off towards the warehouse.

Upon arriving at the deserted warehouse, he phased through the door and noticed an office inside. Rushing towards it, he saw a damaged desk and chair and placed the object on the table.

(Y/N): Gideon, can you track XS's current location?

Instantly, Gideon materialized from his wrist.

Gideon: Certainly, (Y/N). Give me a moment to locate her... Found her! She is currently at a nearby football stadium. Would you like me to provide you with the coordinates, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yes, please, Gideon.

A map displayed XS's location as he cracked his neck, his body sparking with black and midnight blue lightning as he set off to pursue her.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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