chapter 1

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In that moment, a profound silence filled the room, creating an intense and oppressive atmosphere between the mentor and protégé. This was how Thawne perceived his relationship with (Y/N). (Y/N) had sought out Thawne years ago, long before his imprisonment. Eobard had taken great care to ensure that (Y/N) knew his true identity and origins, as well as the knowledge of what he represented.

Eobard: So, my favourite runner, what advice do you seek?

(Y/N) smirked before his expression turned serious and focused.

(Y/N): What do you know about the stone that Savitar possessed before his downfall?

Eobard squinted his eyes as he stared at (Y/N), humming before responding.

Eobard: Why don't you ask Gideon for assistance on that matter?because i will not be able to help on.... this matter, but I believe you have one more question before our time is up.

(Y/N) sighed in response before asking: That speedster... um, what's her name again? Xtra small... no, micro girl... ah, yes, XS, that's the one. She has improved significantly, almost as if she received training or mentoring from an experienced speedster.

Eobard: perhaps she has been practising on her own my favourite runner.

Hearing this causes (Y/N)'s eyes to turn pitch black and his voice to become filled with frustration as he slammed his fist against the glass, creating a small crack.


Eobard's eyes widened slightly at this reaction before he responded, "Any other person who did that would have been electrocuted." He chuckled softly and asked, "And do you remember the first time you came to me, asking for my help? The first time you revealed yourself to me?"

(Y/N)'s eyes returned to normal as he put his hands back in his pockets. He replied, "How could I forget."

Eobard chuckled softly and said, "You asked me to help you become faster than every speedster, including myself, and I did just that." He chuckled again.

Eobard continued, "I have stood by you, and in many ways, (Y/N), you have shown me what it's like to have a son." The word 'son' made (Y/N) chuckle before he burst into insane laughter, but he immediately stopped.

(Y/N) said, "The funny thing is, I didn't know what it would be like to have a mother figure or a father figure in my life before I met you, Thawne. But knowing that you lied to me about XS, I hope you find some peace 'dad.' Just know that I will be the one to kill her, and maybe I'll drag her to the past and force the Flash to watch as I kill his only child in front of him. Goodbye, Thawne."

(Y/N) turned around to walk out of the room, and we see Thawne looking at the clock, showing how much time he has left. He then turns around and steps back into the shadows.

To be continued

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