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Harley's pov

Stefan's alive and I noticed just from hearing him breathe Elena was already a better, happier version of who she is. Despite the months of fear and uncertainty, there was a spark of hope in the both of us. I needed Elena to cling to that hope because seeing her smile makes me happy. As I unlocked Elena's computer a familiar desktop background of our family from happier times. My heart ached with nostalgia as I stared at the picture. I shook my head pushing the feeling aside, focusing on setting up the movie.

I scrolled through Netflix just as the door creaked open behind me. I turned to see Elena, her eyes still puffy from tears, but a determined smile on her face. She crossed the room and sat beside me on the bed, her presence comforting. "So, what are we watching?" she asked, trying to act normal despite our situation. I shrugged scrolling through the options "How about something light? We could use a break from all the drama." She nodded in agreement "Sounds good to me." I selected The Hot Chick, and we settled in, the soft glow of the screen casting shadows on the walls. For a while, we let ourselves be carried away by the laughter and the absurdity of the movie forgetting all about our horrible situation.

When the movie ended I looked over at Elena who had fallen asleep beside me. I gently brushed a strand of hair from her face a sad smile playing on my lips, she looked so peaceful, so innocent. I wished I could protect her from all of this. My phone buzzed on the nightstand and I carefully reached over to grab it not wanting to wake Elena. It was a text from Damon which read Come Downstairs

I quietly slipped out of bed and made my way downstairs, where I found Damon rummaging through our fridge. He looked up as I entered the room his expressions grave. "What's going on?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper as I leaned my on the fridge door looking down at him. "I think I have a lead on where Stefan and Klaus are," Damon said, his eyes locking onto mine. "But we need to move fast and I don't want to bring Elena, so don't ask" I rolled my eyes at him as he stood up holding Jenna's wine. "First of all don't drink that Jenna will kill you and secondly Stefan is Elena's boyfriend so if she wants to come I won't tell her no".

Damon sighed heavily and got closer to me so we were nose to nose "I will not have Elena's life on my hands, she will stay here and you will come with me" "Why are you always bossing me around Damon? For years I did everything for Joker but I will not take shit from a man ever again! I will go with you if I want to go with you, got it?" Damon smirked as he pulled his head away from mine "Alright Harley, would you like to come with me to go save Stefan" I smiled at him "Oh Damon I would love too!" he fake chuckled before walking past me "come on Harls we gotta go pick up Alaric" "wait can I write Elena a note?" Damon walked back over to me and grabbed my hand "no you cannot, you will text her in the morning when she wakes up". I pulled my hand from him and he let go reluctantly "Elena is coming with us and that is final" he groaned loudly "Harley I swear to go--

"Damon please, she deserves to know Damon, she deserves to see him". He stared at me clearly annoyed and I silently pleaded back. "Fine I'll be back in the morning but you both better be packed and ready or else I am leaving without you got it?" I nodded and he walked away leaving me alone. As I watched Damon drive off I realized even though he was annoying he was really cute.


I woke up the next morning and quickly got ready. My hair was in a transitional phase and I didn't know what I wanted to do with it so for now I put it in a bun. I carefully wrote a note for Jenna, explaining that we were going on a quick trip and would be back soon before quietly making my way back to Elena's room. "Elena," I whispered, gently shaking her awake. "We need to go." She groggily opened her eyes and rubbed them slowly coming to her senses. "What's going on, Harley?" "Damon found a lead on Stefan. We're leaving now, so get dressed and pack a few things," I said, trying to keep my voice quiet. Elena's eyes widened with hope, and she quickly got out of bed, rushing to get ready. Within minutes, we were both packed and ready to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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