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Ed got into a fight at school and his dad had to pick him up

Dad - what is wrong with you what were you thinking. Excluded for 5 days.
Ed - sorry dad
Dad - now we got to get those teeth fixed like seriously
Ed - what no please don't dad
Dad - Ed stop complaining it's your fault

Dad drove to the emergency dentist

Dad - hi my son got into a fight and have some cracked teeth
Reception - okay the dentist will come and get him shortly
Dad - thanks

5 min later

D - Ed
Ed - yep that's me. Come on dad
Dad - oh no I'm staying here
Ed - your not going to come in with me
Dad - nope you got your self in this mess
D - come on we don't have all day

Ed slowly walked into the room and then the dentist shut the door

D - so I heard you got into a fight. Silly boy.
Ed got up onto the chair
D - right let's have a look shall we
Dentist had a look at his teeth
D - right so looks like 5 cracked teeth and then you have 2 cavity's that are from ages ago. So we will pull the cracked teeth and then fix the cavity's. How many do you want to pull today and fix. Only two appointments for this
Ed - erm pull 3 today
D - and do the rest another day okay
Ed nodded
D - nurse lidocaine
Ed looked at the injection.
D - right open up
Ed didn't open up
D - nurse could you
Nurse forcefully opened his jaw up and put a mouth lock in
Dentist injected the lidocaine
Ed winced and then started to scream
Ed - owwww owww
D - shush stop being a baby
Dentist took it out and then inserted the needle again
D - right nurse next one
Dentist injected this needle at the back of his tooth
Ed - owwwwww
D - right nurse plies.
Dentist got hold of the tooth and started pulling and twisting
Ed felt it and it hurt so I grabbed the dentist arm
D - ED GET OFF ME. Nurse hold him down
Nurse held him down and dentist pulled the tooth
D - right 2 more left. Nurse lidocaine
He injected him but wasn't nice.
Dentist pushed the needle deep in his gums.
D - nurse just restrain him
D got the second needle and push it hard at the back of his gums
Then got the pliers and pulled and twisted his tooth and its came out
D - right last one
Dentist injected him put only once this time
He pulled at his tooth and Ed started to wince and tears formed
Dentist pulled his tooth and told nurse to go get his dad

Dad entered the room

D - hello dad so we pulled 3 teeth today. They are all baby teeth. But he has 2 more we need to pull and 2 cavities.
Dad- okay could you not just pull the cavities as well
D - yes we can if that is what you would like
Dad - yes
D - okay so we have a rule that we can't do too much in one day. So if you come back tomorrow morning we can do the rest then
Dad - yes that is great thanks

Dad and Ed went home
Ed - please dad don't take me back. It really hurt. He tied me down and then put huge needles in my mouth and then pulled them out.
Dad - well that is your fault isn't it

Next dad

Entered dentist
Dad - we are here for Ed
Reception - oh yes Ed if you go to the room you
were in yesterday the dentist is waiting for you
Nurse - hello Ed take a seat plz
Ed took a seat and looked at the tray next to him with about 10 injections

Nurse strapped him down and tied him down
Ed - why do you need to tie me down
Nurse - so you don't run away
Dentist came in

D - hello Ed
Ed - hi
Dentist looked at the equipment
D - nurse these aren't the right needles
Nurse - oh really sorry. Let me go get the right ones
Nurse came back with bigger needles and bigger syringes
Nurse - are these the ones sir
D - yes they are thanks

D - so Ed before we get started we are going to do an x-ray just to check if there is any other teeth that need pulled
Ed got the x-ray done

D - so apart from the other teeth that we know about it looks like you wisdom teeth need to be taken out. Your dad just told me to do everything today so nurse could you get me for injections for the wisdom teeth plz and a scalpel plz
Nurse - yes sir

D - so let's get started nurse lidocaine
Nurse passed him the first injection right in front of Ed eyes
Nurse forced Ed's mouth open and put a mouth lock in it
Dentist pushed the first needle deep into his gums. Ed was shocked at how much pain there was and the dentist stabbed him loads of times before getting the pliers l. And pulling and twisting at the tooth. But it was coming out so the dentist cut some of Ed's gum off and then took it out like that
The dentist did that to 3 more teeth
Ed was in so much pain

D - okay good so that wasn't so bad was it. Let's move onto the wisdom teeth
Dentist got the huge needle and injected it into Ed's gums and then got a scalpel and pulled the tooth out and did the same to all the wisdom teeth.
D - so Ed we are done here. Come back in a few days so we can have a look at how they are healing okay.

Ed's dad came
Dad - so are we done here
D - yes we are. He was a bit better today than yesterday. And we would like him to come in soon so we can have a look at how well they gals are heading
Dad - okay thanks see you soon .

The end

Could you please give me ideas on another doctor or dentist story plz

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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