73 - Fresh and Clean Saliva (3,1k words)

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Vick's POV

Precious was the one, who broke the silence. She raised her head and looked at us, "Let's get married. If we can't have a normal relationship, we can at least have a dysfunctional one."

"..." Curtis and I remained quiet, and I'm sure his heart skipped a beat, just like mine. We were both aware of how important this proposal was. She asked us to stay by her side and to become her partners, not by the bonds of flesh and blood, but by choice and commitment.

She grabbed my hand and intertwined her fingers with mine, then she did the same with Curtis's, "No matter how broken, twisted, or fucked up you are, I'll take responsibility for you and protect you. I'll be your family and treat you as one. I'll be your shield and sword. I'll never abandon or betray you. This, I swear. I won't ask for anything in return, other than for you to trust me, and have faith in me," she finished her vow and kissed the back of our hands.

I looked at her and thought to myself, 'I wonder how many times I fell for this woman.'

Curtis smiled as his eyes glistened. It was the first time I saw him make such an expression. His smile was pure and full of innocence. His skin was radiating warmth, and his cheeks were rosy. He was in love. His lips brushed against her hand, and he said, "Can we marry every day? I want to hear you say this every day."

She nodded as if getting married was an everyday commitment and not a ritual people tend to make a big deal out of once in their lifetime. She didn't correct his concept, nor did she laugh at his request. Instead, she simply replied, "Yes, we can. After we both agree to divorce."

"Will you divorce me tomorrow?" Curtis asked, his face was filled with anticipation.

"No, probably the day after tomorrow." She answered, and his smile brightened.

I chuckled and hugged them. They were so cute, and they were all mine, "What kind of dysfunctional couples divorce after two days?"

"The smart ones," she smirked.

My free hand moved to my face and covered my mouth, trying to suppress my laughter. Did I ever mention that she was the most favorite dysfunctional thing in my life?

The bad mood from earlier was all gone. I was just so happy that we were together, no matter in what state or form.

I coughed to get their attention. It was my vow now, "I promise to be your best friend and your worst enemy. I'll be your biggest fan and your harshest critic. I'll be your safe place and your prison. The person you want to run to and the one you'll try to run from. But, most importantly, I'll never, ever, ever, stop loving you," I said, raising a brow at her, "I love you."

"Not as much as I do you," she raised a brow back.

I think a vein on my forehead just popped, "Say it back, dammit."

She leaned against my shoulder, her eyes closing, "You are a big boy. You'll survive."

"Precious, it's a bare minimum in every healthy relationship," I lectured, my voice sounding stern and serious, "I need your validation and love."

"And I need a pillow and sleep," she yawned, and leaned against Curtis's shoulder next with her eyes closed.

Curtis, the traitor, yawned right after her and wrapped an arm around her waist. They both were falling asleep on me.

What about our wedding night? I sighed and let it go. They've been through enough, and we could always settle our petty arguments later. I carried her inside the tent, then brought Curtis in and laid him next to her. The cold wind was chilling, making him so unresponsive that I could chop off all his hair, and he wouldn't notice.

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