12 - All for the Camraderie

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Advanced chapters on my pat_reon page!


You could get 4-10 chapters ahead, depening on the tier. Chapter 21 should be available by the time this chapter was uploaded.


[X777, 3 years later]

— Thunder God Tribe, Dannis third POV —

"Mission accomplished!"

Dannis and the rest bumped fists as per team tradition upon another successful completion of their mission.

Successful according to Fairy Tail standards of course, a pretty good chunk of their pay had to be cut due to wanton destruction and collateral damage, but eh, whatever.

Three years had passed since then, more and more kids their age joined the guild, and the Thunder God Tribe are now considered to be one of the strongest teams in Fairy Tail. Not that there are many teams in the guild, mind you, but being regarded as so did bring a flare of pride within him.

Their team was well balanced. Laxus had the strength to blitz through and overpower any of their enemies. Dannis's darkness brought much versatility within the team, with the unique abilities capable of great offense, defense, and even support. Freed, Bickslow, and Evergreen also grew plenty strong under his and Laxus's tutelage.

In fact, some people had started calling him the 'Dark Swordsman of Fairy Tail' because of it. He who brings the might of darkness against his enemies.

Some of course called him that with awe, others with contempt and suspicion. Especially from the regular-folk that have little to no understanding of magic.

After all, darkness brings with it the stereotype of evil, devils and demons that wreak havoc in the world. According to their uneducated minds, dark things = bad things.

Not that it really matters though, despite people's opinion of it, Dannis wore that title with pride. He is the sword that will cut down any of Fairy Tail's enemies. The guild that took him in when he had nothing else. The guild that took care of him when no one else would. And for it, he would happily become the demon people think he really is.

"Oi Danny, you coming?"

Laxus's voice interrupted him from his thoughts. He looked up to see the guy looking back at him with a raised eyebrow. Freed, Evergreen, and Bickslow flanking him. They were all on their way to their favorite restaurant the moment they had returned to Magnolia, the one they always go to after finishing a mission.

He put a smile on his face as he joined them. 'Who cares what others think? I have my family right here.'

"Dannis-sama?! Again?! Please order something else!" Freed cried out overdramatically as they sat down in the restaurant. The reason being him ordering his daily dose of hot chocolate milkshake. It was his favorite and something he could just never get bored of drinking. Something about the sugary sweetness that fits well with his throat.

So Dannis made it a habit to always order the beverage whenever they stop by here. A habit that the rest of his team had tried to wean him off of and never succeeded.

"Piss off, Freed." He said as he took a sip from the hot, steaming, and luscious beverage while keeping eye contact with his green haired protege. Delicious.

Laxus snorted at their exchange. "You and that damned milkshake. You'll get diabetes at this rate."

"At least it's better than that god-awful music you have on 24/7." Dannis retorted, earning a twitchy eyebrow from the dragon slayer, who was currently using his lacrima headphones that he bought a few weeks back.

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