26 - Grilthos the Wizard Killer

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[X779, Magnolia]

— Mavis Vermillion —

Her eyes shined brightly as she walked beside Dannis across the snowy landscape, her steps not even crushing the soft snow beneath her.

She just saw a type of magic that she hasn't seen before and it excited her. To think that magical phenomena like the Anima actually existed, the power to absorb magic and use it like a power source.

It was man-made sure, but it didn't take away the wonder of seeing something new for the first time.

While this Anima sounded a little like Lumen Histoire, she didn't really let that ruin her mood.

She missed this kind of life. Adventuring, visiting new lands, seeing new things. She didn't realize how lonely and hollow it was living on Tenrou Island this entire time.

But now, thanks to Dannis, she managed to experience this once again.

She's really thankful. The way he invited that boy Jellal also spoke wonders of his morals. Dannis was right. It really does take a special kind of character to go against one family for the greater good.

She's glad Dannis extended the invitation. No one deserved to walk the lands alone. Especially considering his old family had basically disowned him. A new family that would accept him unconditionally would do him some good.


— Dannis Martell —

I gaze at the heap and ruins that used to be a village. Everywhere, all I could see were broken buildings and rubble. There were slash marks on the ground and walls, with more trails of destruction leading all the way to the village center.

There were no more bodies, since the rune knights had been here and probably cleaned out all the remains, but the aftermath of the massacre was still obvious.

Just from this I could determine a few things. Grilthos has immense physical strength, enough to at least crack large boulders with a punch. He had some form of cutting or slashing abilities, most likely claws that could easily sever steel. Lastly, a sense of brutal and bloodthirsty personality.

There was really no benefit at all from destroying this village that was located in the middle of nowhere, this demon was just ferocious and inhuman in nature, most likely having some sort of sick satisfaction from doing this.

I shake my head at that, it's guys like this that gives demons a really bad name. Not that I know any good demons to begin with.

The snapping of a twig made me glance to the side to see someone approaching. He was a rough looking man, with wild and unkempt brown hair that flowed down to the base of his neck and connected to his sideburns. A fur cloak covered his form to protect him from the cold winds of the mountain.

What caught my attention was the robe he was wearing, a light cloth that bore an ankh-like sigil, the symbol of the council.

This must be the rune knight.

"Are you the Dark Swordsman?" He asked in a gruff manner, to which I nodded in answer.

"Yes. I'm assuming you are the rune knight the local branch sent to assist me?"

The man sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Assist is a strong word, you Fairy Tail mages sure do whatever the hell you want, eh? Asking for an escort of all things..."

He shook his head. "Anyways, the name's Crust. I'm a captain of the 6th Custody Enforcement Unit." He said, lifting up a hand.

[Crust Image]

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