34 - The Council

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[X780, Era, Magic Council Headquarters]

— Draculos Hyberion —

The man who held the second seat of the Wizard Saints sat in the council room alongside the other council members. He was the one to call upon today's meeting. While not actually a member of the council himself, he had enough authority to do so as a God of Ishgar.

"What news is it now?" Org questioned tiredly. "It's like the world itself is getting more chaotic these days..."

"That's right." Yajima agreed. "The last big thing that happened was the altercation with the Wizard Killer. Ever since then, he's disappeared off the face of Earthland."

"Not to mention the amount of dark mages and dark guilds that has been cropping up as of late. I swear they're like roaches. You kill off one and two more appear to take their place." Belno piped up from the other side.

Draculos ignored all the chatter amidst the council members as he took the chance to study everyone in attendance. He has long suspected there to be a spy among their number. It was the only logical conclusion, there have been plenty of cases in the past where dark guilds they hunted abandoned their hideout at the last second when rune knights came to destroy them.

He's been doing his own investigations, and just recently he found out of supposedly secret information that was leaked to the enemy.

He had no proof, which was why he never shared his findings with anyone else. Not even fellow members of the Gods of Ishgar. At this point, he even doubted the loyalty of the Wizard Saints. They were the only other people aside from the council who were privy to some of the more sensitive information.

The double doors to the council room swung open as Siegrain and Ultear made their appearance. Both were young but already had enough strength and power to be considered a member of the Wizard Saints and a council member.

He would admit to not knowing much about them, due to a lack of actual conversations made between them. Perhaps he should make some time to get to know Siegrain a little bit more, just to gauge his mindset and beliefs.

"What did you call us here for, Draculos?" The Chairman of the council, Crawford Seam, asked with a questioning tone. "Not even I am privy to today's topic. Is something the matter?"

As everyone finally seated and settled in their respective chairs, Draculos addressed the room. "As everyone here knows, the amount of dark guilds that have been prevalent in recent times are skyrocketing. They are getting braver, smarter, more dangerous. While we aren't short of powerful mages to combat them, especially considering the next generation is forming to be a more splendid generation than the previous one, a more proactive approach is needed to ensure the safety of those who are innocent."

He had gained the attention of everyone in the room, so he decided to drop the kicker. "A few months ago, I sent a spy to enter their ranks. He joined with a newly established dark guild and established good relations with his master. A few days ago, something happened in the underworld. He had just recently made it known to me." Draculos' eyes sharpened as he gazed at every member in attendance.

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