Chapter 66

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This began after the Lunar New Year Festival.

Since Lin Zhen and Tang Zheng evidently had a backward understanding of the other's character, they no longer had a collaborative relationship. During the Lunar New Year, however, Tang Zheng's older sister had Tang Zheng invite Lin Zhen home for a meal. In order for their deception to not be exposed, he thus had to brace himself and contact Lin Zhen.

Thinking that directly calling her would be unavoidably awkward to the extreme, he logged into WeChat and sent her a message.

Tang Zheng: 「『red envelope』Happy Lunar New Year」

Lin Zhen:「『red envelope』Happy Lunar New Year to you too」

Tang Zheng: 「『red envelope』It's like this」

Tang Zheng:「『red envelope』My older sister wants to invite you over for a meal」

Tang Zheng: 「『red envelope』I'm wondering if you're free?」

Lin Zhen:「『red envelope』...」

Lin Zhen:「『red envelope』Why is she inviting me over?」

Tang Zheng: 「『red envelope』Maybe because our previous collaboration」

Tang Zheng: 「『red envelope』still isn't over」

Tang Zheng: 「『red envelope』My older sister got inspired by the Lunar New Year」

Lin Zhen:「『red envelope』...oh」

Tang Zheng: 「『red envelope』Don't return the red envelopes」

Tang Zheng: 「『red envelope』This kind of chat is very tiresome」

Lin Zhen: 「...」

She straightforwardly sent him a voice message. 【I think that since we've been deceiving them, it doesn't matter.】

A moment later, she also received a voice message from Tang Zheng. 【I also know this, but since it's the Lunar New Year, I'm at gunpoint. Putting off that discussion until after this boils over.】


Tang Zheng saw her agreement and internally breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but inquisitively ask, though: 【 No one is rushing you at home? If you need me to, I can help.】

Lin Zhen responded: 【They are. I simply didn't return home for Lunar New Year. It was peaceful.】

Recalling those seven sister-in-laws, eight aunts, and even the aunties next door back at home, reminding her that she was already thirty-one, she felt her brain wanting to explode.

Tang Zheng: 「『red envelope』I understand」

Tang Zheng: 「『red envelope』I'll pick you up tomorrow afternoon」

Lin Zhen: 「...」

In fact, she really liked chatting this way with Tang Zheng.

The next day, Lin Zhen was trying out clothes at home, but she was ultimately unsatisfied with the several outfits she had. She thus grabbed one of Jian Yan's manhuas and consulted it. After an hour of such nitpicky torment, Tang Zheng arrived downstairs. He sat in the car while he called her. "I'm downstairs. How much longer do you need?"

"I'll be down right away." Lin Zhen hung up and styled her hair. Grabbing her purse, she slipped into a pair of boots and left her apartment.

Tang Zheng saw her appear and waved. "Over here."

Lin Zhen walked over to his car and asked him, "I think I should drive my car; otherwise, after the meal, won't you need to drive me back?"

Tang Zhen countered, "So we'll be side-by-side on the road?"

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